Having performed the image normalisation the
segmentation of the image is possible using a single
threshold value, as shown in Figure 4.
0 8 . + ,. + 6 e 8 c» .
e 9 8 9 9 e 9 9 e e 9
° e e e e e 9 9 9 e
$ e 9» 9 a . 9 e 9 e e
: 9 9 . 9 8 a 0 e e e
e 9 9 e 9 L © e 0 e e
8 e e ê e e e e e e 8
oe © ° ° a e © 9 —. e 9
e 9 $ 8 e 8 9 e e e 8
e . + e 9 8 8 e © e 9
Figure 4. Segmentation of original image.
The improvements gained by using this method are only
of benefit for initial target recognition as the possibility
exists of a target appearing partially in more than one
subimage and hence, being distorted.
2.2 Detection and recognition of targets.
The image normalisation discussed in the previous
section compensates for the non-uniform background
illumination and reflectivity. After image segmentation
the process of searching for and recognising targets is
performed. A single threshold value is chosen to create
the binary image. In the case of image detection and
recognition the prior knowledge of the size, shape and
possible orientation of the targets is used. The process
divides into two steps: (i) contour tracing of object, and
(ii) extraction of a structure parameter, which includes
area, perimeter and circle factor, to decide on the
validity of targets.
221 PA facite «T Targets It is necessary to
trace the contour of all objects which appear in the
binary image. There are many methods can be used for
this purpose such as the chain code method (Pavlidis,
1982). These are not discussed here as they are well
understood and documented techniques. In the case of
this study, the target appears as a black circular blob.
The X,Y coordinates of the traced contour are
extracted for use in analysis of the shape of the object.
iti When an image is segmented
there may be many objects other than the legitimate
targets, so that it is necessary to find a suitable method
to distinguish between targets and non-targets. Typical
features which can be used are (i) perimeter length, (ii)
size, and (iii) shape.
(i) Perimeter, The perimeter length of the subject can
be calculated using the traced contour X,Y coordinates.
(ii) Area, The area can be calculated by counting all of
the pixels inside and on the perimeter of the subject.
(iii) Shape. A shape factor is used to express the
differences between circular subjects and non-circular.
The definition of the shape factor is given in Equation
Q = A/[x (L/2)* ] (2)
Where A is the area of the object, L is the longest
distance across the object. The equation gives the ratio
of the area of the subject to the area of a circle which
circumscribes the subject. The nearer to a circle the
object is, the closer to 1 the ratio is. The variation in the
distance between pixels which are connected in the x,y
and the pixels connected in diagonal directions has to
be compensated for. Commercial cameras have
differing scale factors in vertical and horizontal (a
typical ratio for an industrial camera is 4:3 ). So there
must also be an adjustment for this factor.
These three factors, described by Equations 3,4, & 5,
allow the building of a decision function which is able
to establish the likelihood of a given subject being a
target. All parameters used are expressed in relative
values for convenience.
Area factor = al. ABS((A-AA)/AA) (3)
Perimeter factor = a2. ABS((P-PP)/PP) (4)
Circle factor — a3.(1- Q) (5)
al,a2, and a3 are risk weight coefficients
A is the estimated ideal target area
P is the estimated ideal target perimeter
Q is the circle factor
AA is the actual area of the object
PP is the perimeter of the object
When all of these factors are within some
predetermined bounds there is a high probability of this
object being a target so the object coordinates are
stored, otherwise the object is rejected. This process is
repeated for all of the image until all of the objects are
recognised as targets or rejected. Figure 5, shows the
final results of the recognition process.