layer on a glass plate (Maas, 1991a); as opposed to
film-based patterns this way a perfectly binary trans-
parency characteristics was achieved. In order to
avoid the cumbersome calibration of a projector the
information of the projected pattern was not used
actively (Regensburger, 1990), but only passively.
Image coordinates on the pattern slide and projector
orientation- and calibration data need not to be
This way the surface gets marked with a large number
of dots, which are of elliptical shape in the general
case. The marked surface can be recorded simulta-
neously with two or more CCD cameras or (non-
simultaneously) with one camera from two or more
positions. If good approximate values of the surface
are given, two cameras resp. two camera positions are
sufficient; if good approximate values are missing or
if the surface shows strong modulations or discontinu-
ities, three or four cameras may become necessary. À
configuration with one projector and four cameras is
shown in Figure 1.
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Figure 1: Four camera configuration
The data processing from the raw digitized images to
the surface description can be divided into the major
* image preprocessing
image analysis and image coordinate determina-
establishment of correspondences between images
using epipolar line information
* 3D coordinate computation
» interpolation and surface description
The whole procedure can be set up to work
completely automatically for single surface measure-
ments or for sequences of surface measurements e.g.
in deformation analysis processes. For a detailed
description see (Maas, 1991a).
The same procedure has basically been installed and
analysed thoroughly for the determination of 3D-
coordinates of particles visualizing turbulent flows
(Maas, 1991b, Maas, 1992a). Unlike the recording of
moving particles in water the targets are situated on a
mostly continuous and relatively static surface here,
by which some of the problems occuring there are
discarded and the targets can be called relatively well-
behaved. Their image coordinates can be determined
at an accuracy of 1/20 of a pixel or better by simple
thresholding and computation of the centre of gravity.
The problem of ambiguities in the establishment of
stereoscopic correspondences, extensively discussed
in (Maas, 1992b), has to be solved here as well. Only
if the surface is relatively plane and if good approxi-
mate values are available, or when the number of
projected dots is small, the correspondence problem
can be solved reliably with a system based on only
two camera positions. in practical applications with
problematic surface properties like reflecting or dull
black regions, non-perfect projection and image
quality (e.g. depth of focus in projection and
imaging), occlusions, strong modulations or surface
discontinuities three or four cameras (resp. camera
positions) will be necessary to solve ambiguities and
obtain unambiguous correspondences by the method
of intersection of epipolar lines or similar methods
(Maas, 1992b). Having established consistent triplets
(resp. quadruplets) of corresponding image points in
the image coordinate datasets the spatial coordinates
can be computed by spatial intersection or together
with the camera calibration data in a one-step bundle
solution. The resulting object coordinates can be
interpolated to a regular grid or rendered to derive
CAD structures.
The method is a truly simultaneous technique, but the
number of projectable points is limited to about 1/50
of the number of image pixels due to the projection of
discrete dots, which have to cover at least 2 x 2 pixels
in the digitized image to allow for a coordinate deter-
mination with subpixel accuracy. To increase the
spatial resolution several exposures can be made from
every camera station with the projected pattern phase-
shifted by fractions of the dot raster width; however,
the method cannot be called a strictly simultaneous
method then.
The camera orientation and calibration is a crucial
step as deficiencies in the calibration will make the
epipolar lines miss the correctly matching points; thus
large errors in the calibration will not only influence
the accuracy but may make the whole method fail if