A -71. 24. Static
B 45. -34-. Static
C -167. -60. Static
D 14. -112. Static
B1 0. 4. Dynamic
B2 9. 8. Dynamic
B3 21: 12: Dynamic
B4 21. 15. Dynamic
B5 18. 10. Dynamic
Table 1 : Simulated Image Residuals with a 15 Millisecond
Exposure Offset (with No Analytical Offset Determination)
On the basis of the expected motion of the helicopter during the
offset period, ie 15 milliseconds of transit at uniform attitude,
an analytical approach was developed. This approach is
dependent on the motion being stable and in a uniform direction
during the offset period. For this trial, on the basis that the
helicopter would be flying in on "steady" approach, this
assumption was valid.
Consider the standard collinearity equations of the least
squares bundle adjustment. If motion is assumed to be constant
then the object space offset between camera exposures can be
solved as an unknown in the adjustment process. In addition to
the standard parameter set, three additional unknowns
representing the object space offset between the two exposures
in each coordinate direction, can also be determined. If
considering only two cameras the equations take the following
form, however the equations can readily be extended to
multiple cameras configurations with multiple camera offsets,
ie one set for each camera pair.
M (XX AX) +m(Y-Y + AY) + M(Z-Zi+AZ)
+ + +=
m(X[-Xj+aAX)+m(Y-Y +AY)+m(Z-Z+AZ)
XX + DYNAMIC ..(2)
m (XX) +m(Y iY) +m(Z-Z;)
Xi-Xg+ STATIC — ..(3)
f is the principal distance
X; is the x image coordinate
Xo is the x image principal point offset
X., Y, Z, are the coordinates of point j
xi Yi Zi are the coordinates of camera i
AX, AY, AZ are the exposure offsets
These equations can similarly be developed for the y image
coordinate. Note that in the case of static targets, ie where no
object space movement due to the camera exposure offset is
expected, the coefficient components AX, AY and AZ are set to
zero and do not contribute to the estimation of the camera
exposure offset, however do provide a datum reference for the
determination. The equations shown include the three
additional parameters for camera exposure offset in three
dimensional space. For the added assumption that motion is
restricted to the horizontal plane, then only two additional
parameters need be solved, with AZ being explicitly
constrained to zero.
Table 2 shows a sample of the resulting image residuals after
inclusion of parameters in the least squares solution for
determination of the object space camera exposure offset. For
this simulated data set a 15 millisecond exposure offset was
introduced. The recovered camera offset estimates were
0.546, 0.543 and 0.005 metres in X, Y and Z respectively.
This corresponds to a recovered heading of 45.1 degrees
(simulated 45 degrees) and a velocity of 99.7 knots
(simulated velocity 100 knots). Of interest is the
distribution of part of the offset into the Z component, due
primarily to the relatively weak network configuration which
was proposed.
A -11 5. Static
B 4 -6. Static
C -6 0. Static
D 2 -6. Static
B1 0. 2 Dynamic
B2 -2. -1. Dynamic
B3 0. 8. Dynamic
B4 3. 1 Dynamic
B5 0. -6 Dynamic
Table 2 : Simulated Image Residuals with a 15 Millisecond
Exposure Offset (with Analytical Offset Determination)
With further simulations and solution for only the planimetric
shift component, ie assumption of horizontal flight over the 15
millisecond period, the recovered offsets were 0.547 and
0.546 in X and Y respectively. This corresponds to a
recovered heading of 45.05 degrees and a velocity of 100.09
knots. In the case of a weak network, the use of these
additional parameters needs to be carefully selected in order
not to degrade the solution or introduce biases. In the case of
the AHRS trial the assumption of horizontal flight during the
period of exposure was adopted and the resulting least squares
solution was restricted to a planimetric camera exposure
offset solution.
During design for the trial, timing specifications were set at 1
second. This timing was for correlation of photogrammetric
derived attitude data and the AHRS derived data. The timing
reference was to be the GPS time standard which was encoded
onto all attitude outputs on the AHRS data bus. In principle
this was a simple task with correlation of the CRC-2 clock,
determined as the photogrammetric time reference, to the GPS
standard with clock drifts being determined at regular
intervals. The CRC-2 time was printed on all exposures,
ensuring easy reference. During trial testing, however, it was
determined that timing was significant at the 0.1 second level,
and as the least count of the CRC-2 clock was 1 second an
ind dent timing mechanism needed to be established.
Figure 6 : Apple Macintosh Timing Reference