When the vanishing point is not at infinity one must
extend the procedure by defining or the position of the
principle point (obviously approximately, by digitizing the
four edges of the image), or the ratio between a horizontal
and a vertical linear elements, or finally, by providing a
given angle between two distinct lines in the image. After
having activated the conclusive procedure, in a few
seconds the rectified image appears on the screen.
The four images used have been rectified without
absolutely taking into account of the fact that they had
been taken with a metric camera.
The rectifications have then been assembled in a mosaic
in order to obtain the perspective view, which is partially
shown in figure 6. The final file has a size of about 12 Mb.
The final image has then been scaled using the given
distance between two of the 19 control points. As a metric
test one has checked the residuals on the other points
after the operation: these resulted sometimes to be larger
than 10 cm. This result is, as forseen, not very significant,
regarding the precision.
With the mosaic of rectified images a number of test have
been carried out with respect to the possibilities of vector
editing and editing of the image itself by changing
intensities, the cutting of an image along lines and the
improvement of the areas of overlap between the images.
Figure 6 - The rectifications assembled in a mosaic with program Archis.
3.4 Conclusions
The result does not have the metric characteristics of even
semplified photogrammetric procedures. It can however
be useful for a series of operations, which often lead to the
necessity to carry out a survey of a view. In our opinion it
is certainly better to have a product like that obtained with
Archis than that, which one often obtains from an
inorganic composition of direct measurements,
photographs and representations on the spot.
It is a very important fact that the final result contains all
information of the photograph and is not a summary of
only few lines. Processing of vector data can still and
always take place.
An other fundamentally large potential consists of the fact
that the use is required of normal amateur cameras.
Besides, control points are not required; for the scaling of
the rectified image is is sufficient to know a few distances
between points.
The defects of a software like Archis are in the simplicity
of its use. If the determination of the vanishing point is not
carried out correctly, one risks to distort significantly the
quality of the results from the geometric point of view.
The approximations are quite allowed when the object is
plane. All deviations from planarity of the surveyed wall
are translated in ever worse approximations with respect
to reality.
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