Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

subview-window with a higher resolution. Any geometric 
operations, especially the measuring of control points for 
the picture orientation, can be done (Fig. 3.3.2). Parts of 
the image can be digitized also and displayed in the 
overview-window for partial operations. 
higher lower  Orthoview 
Subview ZZ 
Level n-1 
Level i 
Level 0 
Fig. 3.3.1 Zooming in pyramid by different levels 
4. hoph neration 
The creation of orthophotos is possible in a test-mode. 
Parts of the image can be done with different 
transformations and resampling functions to control the 
result. The hierarchical plan structure is dispalyed with all 
control points in the image of the overview-window. For 
the test-mode groups or single regions of the facade can 
be selected. With choise of different functions a testing is 
possible. The result is displayed in a third window as an 
orthoview. Forfasttesting a low resolution of the projection 
plane must be selected to reduce the counts of the pixel 
transformations. But for the resampling functions by the 
indirect transformation, it is nesseray to have access on 
the original image with the full resolution (low level) in the 
pyramide structure. Only in this way it is possible to get 
images with clear edge structure. 
It has been shown, that the execution for transforming 
different plane fagade areas in interactive mode can be 
done in adequate short time. A definitive fixation of the 
transformation attributes for all partial planes is acquired 
during a test-mode. The object orientated transmission 
of plane attributes takes place in the plane hierarchy. The 
transformation attributes of the upgraded planes are 
inherited to the downgraded ones, if no attributes are 
defined for them. All fixations are registered in a control 
file for the separate generation of orthophoto plans. 
2 | 5 (494x506) B 1/1 
4 (472x432) B 1/1 
|| (194,397): 45 Ausschnitt: Ebene 1! | 
Übersicht: Ebene 3 
e SuniP : Scrolifenster 
Pyramidenart v 
d, (257,257): 135 
® SuniP 
2 Zeilen 
SuniP: Ausgabe 5 
TIFF Pixel/Zoll für EPSF/Druck (5 
Bildtext: Kommentar zum Bild, 
Linkes Bild Gauss Ep 
Rahmenmarken Bildkoordinaten Nr.: 
8 K-Stellen: 8 R-Marken: 
Planicomp Sunvision 
wi 0010 LL x44. 4979 
y: 9920 y% 2030 
Projektiv ( Umbilden v 
xO: 107.23 Omega: 24.312 
vo: 100.34 Phi: —1.056 
Zo; -84.13 Kappa: 1.056 
ck 229.274 (Grientieren) 
Fig. 3.3.2 
Zooming from Overview to Subwiew 

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