Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

It is clear from the above presentation 
that the geodetic method was the most 
accurate, but the most time consuming and 
certainly the one less favoured by the 
non experts who would like a better tool 
for their surveys. 
The main advantage of the photogrammetric 
method compared to the classical one is 
the photographic record, which is produ- 
ced as a by product. Moreover, the DTM is 
also a very useful product, as one may 
come back to it at a later time and pro- 
duce more cross-sections or extract other 
information about the construction. A 
comparison of the cost and time required 
is also favouring photogrammetry, as in 
less time it is capable of producing more 
and better results at a fraction of the 
Another important dimension of the capa- 
bilities of modern computing power is the 
possibility of archiving the acquired 
information in a Hypermedia System. It is 
feasible nowadays to integrate  informa- 
tion in raster form (digitized images) 
and in vector form (CAD drawings) with 
text in a Relational Database  (Cognivi- 
sion 1991, Galileo 1991). Document Image 
Processing (DIP) and Optical Disk  tech- 
nology are the tools, which will aid this 
effort (Harvey 1991). 
1. Antoniou, A., 1969. Research on ship- 
building data of Greek vessels. PhD The- 
sis, National Technical University of 
Athens (in Greek). 
2.Cognivision Research, S.A., 1991. Hy- 
permap product information 
3. Damianidis, K., 188%. Vernacular boats 
and boatbuilding in Greece. PhD Thesis, 
University of St. Andrews, Scotland. 
4. Damianidis, K., Leontidis, A... 1992. 
Greek wooden sailing boats of the 20th 
century. Museum of Cretan Ethnology, Ga- 
vrielides Editions, Athens. p. 109. 
5. Galileo  Siscam, 1991. GART, product 
6. Georgopoulos A., Spinou, A., 1992. Fo- 
toCAD: A simple photogrammetric package 
for non-photogrammetrists. International 
Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote 
Sensing, Vol. 29, part 5. 
7. Harvey, D.A., 1991. Catch the wave of 
DIP. BYTE Magazine, Vol. 16, No 4. April 
1991, pp. 173-182. 
8. Historic American Buildings Survey, 
1988. Guidelines for Recording Historic 
Ships. (Historic American Engineering 
Record) , Washington DC. 
9. ICOMOS, 1964. International Charter 
for the conservation and restoration of 
Monuments and Sites (Charter of Venice). 
10. Kokkas, T. 1991. Photogrammetric 
Survey of Traditional Ships. Diploma the- 
sis (unpublished), Laboratory of 
Photogrammetry, NTUA. 
11. Papapolitou, V., Frangski, E.. 1990. 
Modern applications of  Geodesy - The sur- 
vey of a caique. Diploma thesis (unpubli- 
shed), Laboratory of General Geodesy, 
NTUA. , 
12. Pâris EF., 1882. Souvenirs de Marine. 
Collection de plans ou dessins de navires 
et des bateaux anciens ou modernes exi- 
Stans ou disparus. Paris, 1877-1882.

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