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After the test phase the computing of orthophoto plans
with high resolution is done in a stand-alone process.
The definition of the scale and the pixel resolution (dots
per inch) is possible for different output media. The
orthophoto can be combined with line drawings or undergo
other image processing operations, e.g. edge detection.
war ian and implementation
The implementation is based on an open industrial
image processing system (SunlP/SunVision) for SUN
Sparc workstations under Unix OS 4.1.2 with
OPENWINDOWS 3.0. Forthe userinterface ergonomics
the graphical user interface and the disign principle of
OPEN LOOK are applied. In SunlP it is possible to
include own reconfigurable graphical user interfaces
(GUI), several built-in tools for image handling and own
image processing algorithms. Also tools for controlling
and analysing images, subimages and regions of the
digital orthophoto process are at disposal. In the image
display the 2D/3D- Graphics-library XGL allows
displaying, manipulation and integration of geometry
The used camera was a middle format Rollei 6006
Réseau (121). For a first test a facade with prevailing
even planes was chosen. Fig. 4.5 shows the final result
combined with a superimposed line drawing for geometric
control of the projections. The three levels of the plane
hierarchy are represented in Fig. 4.2 to Fig. 4.4. A
combination of the levels 1 to 3 is demonstrated in Fig.
4.1. All small planes have been rectified by linear or
quadratic transformations. Level 1 (Fig. 4.2) shows a
great main plane, which has been rectified projectively.
The plane coefficients (17 control points) are determined
by least squares adjustment. Fig. 4.6 gives the error
vectors (control points), which symbolize the deviations
from the adjusted projection plane. The deviations vary:
mean 1.2 cm, max. 2.9 cm. Using a wide angle lens (c =
50 mm) this causes a relief transposition Ar of mean 0.9
mm and max. 2.1 mm in the orthophoto (scale 1 : 25).
Combination of Rectifications
Fig. 4.2 Rectification of middie facade (Level 1)
—— Linear
Fig. 4.3 Rectification of middle façade (Level 2)
Fig. 4.4 Rectification of middle façade (Level 3)