from these standard shapes and sizes to justify the cost
and effort of custom-built shoe lasts and made-to-measure
shoes. The mensuration task increases with the extent of
this variation.
2 To determine this foot shape whilst it is subject to
normal load. Even a cursory inspection will confirm
that our feet change shape significantly as we stand
up, and clearly it is this latter shape that is required
for shoe-making. To measure feet in anything other
than a standing position seems to me to be almost
totally useless for this purpose.
3 The measurement must be done quickly. Standing
is not a totally passive activity, even when we are
standing still out feet have to move sufficiently for
us to maintain our balance. My layman's estimate
is that we should complete our measurements in
less than one tenth of a second, so the best accuracy
requires something very close to simultaneous
determination of all points to be fixed.
4 In line with my aim of putting the whole process in
the hands of the users, it is important that the most
economical solution be found. This includes a
reasonable balance between capital cost and the
amount of time taken to measure and process the
My experiments so far have been on the assumption that
photogrammetry would be the appropriate mensuration
technique. The various traditional advantages of close-
range photogrammetry for this sort of measuring work are
still attractive. They include speed of capture, completen-
ess, low costs for original photography, and the long-term
stability of the stored record (the photograph itself). The
requirement of a low-cost system has led me to plan on the
manual digitising of (enlarged) photographs as in the
Rollie and Wild-Leica systems. For reasons described
elsewhere (Gordon 1991) I have chosen to concentrate on
the use of mirrors to provide simultaneous multi-station
exposures of the object. This approach is not new (Kratky,
1975; Keys, et al, 1975; Torlegaard, 1975) and offers a
number of advantages. The mirrors automatically give
simultaneous multistation exposures without any possibility
of a partial failure in the synchronisation. A single flash
unit can illuminate all the views, via the same mirrors that
provide the multiple images. What is more it is quite easy
to make the mirror system as robust as necessary. The
layout of the mirrors was designed to provide at least 3
different views of each point. As can be seen from Figure
1, the view from each mirror is effectively a separate
exposure from different 'camera' positions. As all the
mirrors are vertical (or nearly so), each of these 'cameras'
is tilted down from the horizontal by about the same
amount as the real camera =15°.
"Camera "I
"Camera" II — X
X II “Camera” IV
Camera” II
Figure 1. Planimetric layout of foot, camera station, 4
mirrors, and 4 psuedo camera stations
The determination of these 'camera' positions, and the
positions of targets identified in two or more 'photographs,
is classical close-range photogrammetry. While a number
of solutions are possible (e.g. Granshaw, 1980), I have been
using a bundle adjustment which is part of a suite called
General Adjustment Programme (GAP) developed by Dr
Jerry Clark at City University in London. I am pleased
and grateful to have Dr Clark's permission and support.
Because of the divergent 'camera' angles involved, the
possible targetting options led almost inevitably to spherical
targets. Their prime advantage is that they remain regular
and symmetric from every viewpoint. The most successful
of these were some 3mm diameter dressmaking beads.
Once mounted on a pin or cotton thread, and painted matt
white, these proved to be the most satisfactory of all.
While not perfectly spherical they presented a symmetrical
image from all viewpoints, all with a common centre. The
only retro-reflective targets I could find, or construct from
reflective tape, were hard to find (let alone maeasure to)
at the low angles of incidence they had in some of the
views. The ideal target has a photographic image that
presents an annulus around the measuring mark. Trinder
(1971) advises that this annulus should be some 25 pm at
photo scale where the optical enlargement is 10x, reducing
to 15pm with clear high contrast images. With a 25pm
measuring mark this implies a 75pm target, which scales up
to 2.1mm for the most distance object point. All the
targets I tried were larger than this optimum size, and this
was exacerbated when their object distance were as much
as 2.5x less than the maximum object distance. Most hand
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