Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

to B) The transverse sections were laid 10.cm, 25 
cm and 35 cm above the spinae iliaca poste- 
rior and the transverse sections were re- 
flected along the midline. A comparison 
between the left and the right side shows 
the rotation of the body. These results may 
be influenced by muscular asymetries. 
Therefor it is necessary to calculate the 
differences between both positions. As a 
result we receive indications of an increa- 
se of body rotation in left or right direc- 
5 probands rotated in left direction (0-12 
mm; max 18 mm), 2 pilots were rotated to 
the right direction. The other probands 
(n=6) vary in the direction of rotation in 
different trunk segments. The maximums of 
rotation were always found in left rotation 
(0-18 mm). The rotation in right direction 
varies between 0-8 mm. Another tendency of 
our investigations is the increase of the 
rotation in connection with the increase of 
height of the taken section. The rotations 
35 cm above the spinae iliaca posterior are 
more obvious. 
difference sitting and standing 
rotation (mm) to the left 
+10 cm sp il. +25 em sp.il. [3] +35 cm sp.il. 
picture 3: differences between sitting and standing positions 
right-left asymetry 
to C) Comparing the clinical results of pilot no. 
5 and no. 11 with the results of the photo- 
grammetric measurement and the analyses of 
the derivated representations the following 
statements can be made: 
Patient no. 5 is clinical normal except for 
a light hanging of his right shoulder. 
Transverse sections in standing posture 
show the physiological kypho-lordosis. The 
pilot was rotated forward in left direction 
(rotation to the right). In transition to 
the sitting posture we found a significant 
decrease of right rotation. +10 cm above 
the pelvis axis the sulcus medianus dorsi 
is more flat than in the standing position. 
The clinical diagnosis of patient no. 11 is 
more extensive: He suffers from a light 
scoliosis ( chest right bending, loins left 
bending), a flat thoracal kyphosis and his 
left pelvis and shoulder are standing dee- 
per. We equalized this irregularity in the 
transverse sections-representations so that 
we found a significant overhang on the 
right side. In the standing positions there 
was no striking assymetry between the left 
and the right side, in transition to the 
sitting position we found a definite rota- 
tion to the left. The flat of the chest 
kyphosis is documented in transvers section 
+35 cm above the pelvis axis. 
picture 4: sitting and standing position (results of AUTOCAD) 
transverse sections pilot no.5 

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