Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

CAST N.6 (mm) CAST N.4 (mm) CAST N.1 (mm) 
2.91 7.74 3.63 
10.46 21.10 
13.95 23.09 29.13 
16.85 30.70 
20.29 31.91 
23.24 31.15 34.26 
23.90 28.39 33.85 
24.82 29.15 34.05 
25.05 32.22 36.01 
CAST N.5 (mm) CAST N.3 (mm) CAST N.2 (mm) 
0.58 3.76 1.80 
6.47 16.15 11.50 
12.35 17.62 14.92 
15.95 19.81 20.60 
19.58 24.51 28.60 
20.01 24.92 29.01 
22.94 28.88 37.20 
28.92 34.82 40.92 
d C6-C4 (mm)  dC4-Ci(mm)  dCé-Ci (mm) 
-4.83 411 -0.72 
-9.14 -6.04 -15.18 
-7.91 -3.11 -11.02 
-4.49 -5.46 -9.95 
-4.33 -4.90 -9.23 
7.17 -3.79 -10.96 
d C5-C3 (mm)  dC3-C2(mm) | d C5-C2(mm) 
-3.18 1.96 1.22 
-9.68 4.65 -5.03 
-5.27 2.70 -2.57 
-3.86 0.79 -4.65 
4.93 4.09 -9.02 
491 4.09 -9.00 
-5.94 8.32 -14.26 
-5.90 -6.10 -12.00 
Table 2 - Comparison of the measurements on the casts: front view 
In the second part of our work we have tackled the 
aspects of the visual perception of the analysed 
problems, always starting from the data acquired 
photometrically and subsequently worked through 
other softwares (Thalmann, 1990). 
The scientific visualization is a new approach in the 
area of numerical simulation and it was precisely in 
this field that, starting from the photogrammetrical 
data, attempts have been made to use graphic 
modelling as a support for a better comprehension of 
the phenomena of volumetric variations of the palate. 
The software employed is a Wavefront Technologies 
Visualizer Series wich includes: a) Advanced 
Visualizer, which allows graphics professionals to 
develop maximum-impact 3D computer graphics 
images with photographic realism and dynamic 
moving imagery; b) Personal Visualizer an expandable 
set of 3D visualization tools with an intuitive, point- 
and-click interface; c) Data Visualizer can turn works 
with large volumes of non-geometric data, which 
provides powerful yet easily mastered tools for 
visualizing and analyzing 3D numeric data. 
The Visualizer Series also includes: geometry 
translators for importing data from external sources; 
the Visualizer Server for offloading image rendering 
to other network computing resources; Personal 3D 
Edit, the Personal Libraries and other products that 
broaden the scope of the personal visualizer. 
The construction of the modular sketch, starting from 
the existing data in the .DXF size of AutoCad passing 
through the integration of 4 modules corresponding to 
the processes for the creatiion and animation of 3D 
images: a) model- creates 3D objects and applies 
surface textures and colors; b) preview - animates 
objects, cameras, and lights; c) medit - edits surface 
properties like texture, color, reflection, and 
atmosphere; d) image - renders photorealistic images. 
In this first stage of our works of scientific 
visualization we have tried to stress the volumes of 
the various casts for a batter interpretation of the 
deformations. Now we have to ascertain if it is 
possible to realize a quantitative interpretation of the 
phenomenon, starting from these elaborations and 
keeping intact the source of the tridimensional data in 
terms of accuracy. 
Special thanks are extendend to Daniel Thalmann and 
Olivier Renault of the Computer Graphics Laboratory 
of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in 
Lausanne and special thanks are extendend to 
FO.A.R T. s.r.l. too. 
1. Vozikis, E., 1985. Some theoretical and pratical 
aspects on the use of photogrammetry in medicine. In: 
Biostereometrics '85, Cannes, Franch, SPIE vol. 602, 
2. Curry, S., Moffitt, F., Symes, D., Baumrind, S., 1982. 
Family of calibrated stereometrics cameras for direct 
intraoral use. In: Biosterometrics '82, San Diego, 
California, SPIE vol. 361, pp.7-14. 
3. Thalmann, D., 1990. Scientific Visualization and 
Graphics Simulation, Wiley & Sons, Chichester.

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