Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Archives of Photogrammetry, Vol.24, V/I. Precision 
and Speed in Close Range Photogrammetry, York, 
Brown, D.C., 1985. Adaption of the Bundle Method for 
Triangulation of Observations Made by Digital 
Theodolites, Proceedings Conference of Southern 
African Surveyors, Part 1, No.43. 
Fraser, C., 1988. State of the Art in Industrial 
Photogrammetry. International Archives of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 
Rubinstein, M. and H.Rüther, 1991. Comparison of 
Target centring algorithms in Near Real Time 
Photogrammetry, Proceedings First Australian 
Photogrammetric Conference, Newcastle. 
Rüther, H. and N.Parkyn, 1990. Near Real Time 
Photogrammetry on a Personal Computer, 
Photogrammetric Record, 13(75), pp-415-422. 
We gratefully acknowledge: Prof. L.P. Adams for 
proposing the use of digital photogrammetry for 
patient placement; Dr. D. Jones ( NAC, Faure) for his 
invaluable advice on medical and proton treatment 
aspects; Prof. K.F.Bennet and Dr. A.D.B. Yates 
(Department of Mechanical Engineering, UCT), who 
designed the patient support chair for the NAC and 
the communication link between the chair and PPPS; 
Mr. J. Hesselink (Department of Electrical and 
Electronic Engineering, UCT) for his assistance with 
the synchronisation of the CCD cameras. 
The research would not have been possible without 
funds from the Cape Provincial Administration, the 
Foundation for Research Development (FRD) and the 
University of Cape Town. 

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