Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

A simulation environment has been created to achieve 
two aims: fiist to allow for a convenient developement 
of obstacle detection algorithms for practical real-time 
operation with "VaMoRs', the autonomous vehicle of 
UBM; and secondly to study the practicabiliy of the 
design of fully automated recognition and classification 
of gait patterns (lower extremities, locomotion) and 
waving movements (upper limbs, signalling of 
messages). Not applying sophisticated image feature 
detectors but adequatly combining single measurement 
values under model control has been attempted. This 
approach also reflects both the synthesis and analysis 
aspects of computer vision. 
Preliminary results concerning the detection of lower 
limbs show the possiblity of tracking relevant image 
features and being able to reconstruct selected 
movement parameters for future decision of class 
membership. The presented rudimentary study with its 
computer realization for a specific application domain 
may also evolve to a contribution to the endeavour of 
revealing principles of visual perception through 
analysis by synthesis. 
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