The data transmitter pseudo-system insures the trans-
mission of the gained values into a railway information
system, which will be established in the future. This
system makes suitable the determination of the optimal
route of the larger consignments.
The system started work in 1991 in an experiental mode.
So far 100km of railroad photographs were made. The
processing of the results is made gradually. the greatest
standard deviation was of 0.012mm. The standard devi-
ation of the coordinates of the transverse profile of the
intersected points was of 4mm.
À stereo Photogrammetrical system for the determina-
tion of the clearance chart. The system inclde reatively
cheep elements (nonmetric cameras, rebuilded Zeiss 1818
Stereocomparator). The system incurs the required pre-
cision too.
Aaberg, O., 1978. Photo Trolley Danish State Railways,
Copenhagen, pp 14.
Danish State Railways, 1983. Administration of Spe-
cial Consignments (Out of Gauge Loads) with Computer,
Copenhagen, pp 23.
Magnussen, M.; Bjórklund, P. and Torlegard, K., 1975.
Technische Untersuchung von Transportwegen fr Sendun-
gen mit Lademassberschreitung bei den Schwedischen
Staatsbahnen, Archiv fr Eisenbahntechnik, Darmstadt,
Heft 30, pp 41-54.
Presle, G.; Waldhüsl, P. and Mann, H., 1987. Das neue
Gleis- und Lichttraum- Messfahrzeug der Osterreichischen
Bundesbahnen, OZfVuPh, pp 208-218.
British Rail, 1985. Optical gauging allows faster checks
on clearances, Railway Gazette International, pp 353-
Detrekói, Á.; Fekete, K. and Winkler, G., 1986. A mea-
surment system on clearance chart, (in Hungarian), Bu-
dapest, pp 40.