Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

control of image processing $ 
C E point in time when the next 
ntern. represen 
2 world (2) measurement is going to be 
3 . 
3 B | spatio-temporal taken. By applying forward 
S | medets dox perspective projection to fea- 
— shapes (3D) : 
— motion laws tures measured, using the same 
= = envre laws mapping conditions as the 
3 goals . . 
SE + evaluations video camera, a model image 
œ . . 
9 + control effectiveness can be generated, which 
should duplicate the measured 
Real world (1) Generation Discrepancy 
ol Interpretation: 
Processes in space object- minimum square 
and time hypotheses, [~~ n Sce & time 
— phys. objects aspect- Cr Single processes 
— motion conditions Elim. of | Jacobian 
outliers matrix Em 
— el.-magn. radiation 7 , Tk 7 TK 
+ other subjects with 9s $ 
internal repres. ee S on 
and goal A © axi 
goais 9, 
Jo, DZ S 4 
; 30 % 5 
i 2 : 
2396 se 0 pes XF, \ [Feature © [Feature 
DO Hz (6g Y Jextraction a. (prediction 
) N -edges nominal 
-corners and syst. 
[areas + — | varied 
color (model 
Hntensities | image) 
controls yy) 
NS a . . . . 
Te specie m J| image if the situation has been 
Coppia (gero interpreted properly. The sit- 
uation is thus ’imagined’ (right 
and lower center right in fig.8). 
The big advantage of this ap- 
proach is that due to the inter- 
Fig.8: Survey block diagramm of 4D approach 
The key tools for integrating space and time in the 
internal representation are the dynamical models, which 
are used for capturing the behavior over time of a physical 
process. As usual in rigid body mechanics, the motion of 
bodies is separated into center-of-gravity (cg) translation 
and rotation around the cg. These motion components are 
described by ordinary differential equations including the 
effects of control input. For digital control, transition 
matrices and control effect matrices are derived using well 
known methods. 
Control inputs to the mobile robot carrying the vision 
system lead to changes in the visual appearance of the 
world through egomotion. The continous motion of the 
vehicle and the relative position in the world over time is 
sensed by conventional black and white video cameras. 
They record the incoming light intensity from a certain 
field of view at a fixed sampling rate. By this imaging 
process the information flow is discretized in several 
There is a limited spatial resolution in the image plane 
and a temporal discretization of 16 2/3 or 20 ms, usually 
including some averaging over time. This reduces the data 
flow to a sequence of 2D arrays at fixed time intervals (20 
ms). Instead of trying to invert this image sequence for 
3-D-scene understanding, a different approach by analysis 
through synthesis has been selected. From previous 
human experience, generic models of objects in the 3-D- 
world are assumed to be known in the interpretation 
process. This comprises both 3-D shape, recognizable by 
certain feature aggregations, given the aspect conditions, 
and motion behavior over time. In an initialisation phase, 
starting from a collection of features extracted by the low 
level pel processing (BVV 2, lower center left in fig.8), 
object hypotheses including the aspect conditions and the 
motion behavior (transition matrices) in space have to be 
generated (upper center left). The motion capabilities of 
the robot, which are constraints characterizing the object, 
are represented by difference equations, describing the 
state evolution. With the help of these so-called dynamical 
models, it is possible to predict the object states to that 
nal 4-D model not only the 
actual situation at the present 
time but also the sensitivity 
matrix of the feature positions with respect to state changes 
can be determined and exploited over time, the socalled 
Jacobian matrix. This rich information is then used for 
adjusting the state estimates recursively in a least squares 
manner based on the differences between the predicted 
and the measured feature positions. By this approach, the 
nonunique inversion of the perspective projection is by- 
passed based on the continuity conditions captured in the 
spatio-temporal world model (4-D model). For details see 
[Dickmanns, Graefe 88] and the references given there. 
This approach has several very important practical advan- 
- no previous images need be stored and retrieved for 
computing optical flow or velocity components in the 
image as an intermediate step; 
- the transition from signals (pel data in the image) to 
symbols (spatio-temporal motion state of objects) is done 
ina very direct way, well based on higher level knowledge, 
the 4-D world model integrating spatial and temporal 
- intelligent nonuniform image analysis becomes possible, 
allowing to concentrate computer resources to areas of 
interest known to carry meaningful information; 
- viewing direction control can be done directly in an 
object-oriented manner 
- the image processing computer architecture can be 
structured modularly according to the internal 
representation of spatial objects. 
Dynamical model 
As mentioned above, it is intented to recover the actual 
positions relative to landmarks by measuring their feature 
position in a temporal image sequence. The prime interest 
within a known planar surrounding is the position 
(xp, yp) and the angular orientation (V) of the vehicle. 
Control inputs (Ua, Uv ) result either in acceleration in 
longitudinal direction (Vp ) or in turning the front wheel 

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