B. One Stereo-Pair
One Point Added
A. One Stereo-Pair
No Points Measured
C. One Stereo-Pair with
One Point Measured.
One Stereo-Pair Added
Figure 3: Changes in Matrix Structure as Points and Stereo-Pairs are Added
At this point the datum is established by fixing
seven parameters. Typically, these are the
coordinates of the perspective centers and one camera
rotation angle. When additional stereo-pairs or new
points are added to the system, memory for the upper
triangular matrix, its inverse, and the solution
vector is allocated accordingly, and approximate
values for new parameters are computed. To avoid
singularities, a minimum of five points must be
measured for each additional stereo-pair. The
determination of approximate values is addressed
the observations and
residuals appear on the screen. The solution
vector, corresponding precision values and the
variance factor are visible to the operator upon
request. A simultaneous solution can be performed
anytime at the operators convenience.
When points are measured,
Variable Size Parameter Vector
Two types of parameters can be added to the system;
the twelve orientation parameters of a new stereo-
pair or the three coordinate parameters of an
additional point. For both types of additions, the
matrix storing D and R increases in size. To better
illustrate how this matrix structure changes when
stereo-pairs or points are added, Figure 3 can be
The shaded portions in Figure 3 represent additions
to the matrix structure. This is also indicated in
the bold type in the caption under each matrix. In
Figure 3A memory has been allocated for the initial
stereo-pair. This is a 13 x 13 matrix where columns
1-12 are devoted to the orientation parameters of the
left and right cameras. Column 13 contains the right
hand side, and element (13,13) maintains the residual
sum of squares.
In Figure 3B we still have one stereo-pair but one
new point has been measured. This adds three rows
and three columns to the original matrix structure to
account for the three dimensional coordinates of the
point. The matrix is now 16 x 16.
In Figure 3C, one stereo-pair is added to the matrix
structure in Figure 3B. This adds 12 rows and 12
columns for the orientation elements of the second
stereo-pair to the matrix structure. The matrix has
grown to 28 x 28.
Adding a new point or stereo-pair to the matrix
structure is not simply a matter of allocating the
proper amount of memory. The triangular matrices
used in this program are stored as one dimensional
vectors. When additional memory is allocated to an
existing matrix, it is simply tacked onto the end of
that vector, leaving all previous elements in their
original memory locations. As can be seen in Figures
3B and 3C, the correct position for the newly
allocated memory actually lies within the vector, not
at the end. Therefore, all original elements must
be shifted to maintain their correct location.
Approximate Values
The choice of approximate values can be a problem
with sequential estimation in a non-linear system.
Sequentially updating the parameters is not a viable
solution unless the entire system is re-linearized.
Otherwise, if the initial values were not good, the
parameter vector would "drift off" [Gruen, 1985].
One answer to this problem is simply to start with
good enough approximate values. This however, may
not always be possible. The more practical solution
is to perform a simultaneous solution periodically.
We follow this approach in our implementation.
For the first stereo-pair in a strip, the true
coordinates of the perspective centers are determined
by relating the position of the cameras to the known
coordinates of the GPS antenna and utilizing the
information from the inertial system for orientation.
This information is available for each stereo-pair as
long as satellite lock is maintained and is stored
in a feature file. For stereo-pairs during the
loss-of-lock period, approximate values for are
determined from the distance and direction traveled
from the previous stereo-pair. This information is
available from the inertial system or can be
estimated from the speed of the vehicle. Approximate
values for the coordinates of new points are obtained
by intersecting light rays from the two perspective
centers of the camera-pair.
For a strip of stereo-pairs obtained by the mapping
van, there are no control points along the road. The
datum is defined by the known GPS positions of the
van before and after a loss-of-lock period, and from
the orientation information at these positions,
which is available from the inertial system.