Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

depth estimates and uncertainty values are computed at 
each pixel of minified (256 x 256 pels) video frames and 
that these estimates are refined incrementally over time. 
The good performance of the Kalman filter is due to the 
fact that only one parameter (depth value) constitutes the 
state vector and is updated. Errors in orientation and cali- 
bration of the video frames and thus correlations between 
different elements of the depth map are not considered. 
Also, only lateral motion of the CCD-camera is assumed. 
Zhang and Faugeras (1990) use the Kalman update mech- 
anism to track object motion in a sequence of stereo 
frames. They track object features, called “tokens” (line 
segments for example) in 3-D space from frame to frame 
and estimate the motion parameters of these tokens in a 
unified way (they also integrate a model of motion kine- 
matics). Their state vector consists thus of three angular 
velocity, three translational velocity and three translation- 
al acceleration parameters of each object and in addition 
six line segment parameters for each 3-D line representa- 
tion. As before, the tokens are treated independently here, 
which allows the state vector for estimation to remain 
small in size and may result in straightforward paralleliza- 
tion for any number of tokens. 
Although we are aware that very fast (e.g. video rate 25 
Hz) solutions to tracking problems with affordable com- 
puter hardware still require substantial simplification of 
the measurement problem at hand, we nevertheless 
present in this paper the general solution for sequential 
point positioning, based on the bundle solution. The solu- 
tion is object point-bascd. Other features may be derived 
from these 3-D point measurements. Any simplification in 
measurement arrangement, as for instance non-moving 
sensors, may readily be derived from the general concept. 
Our solution may include self-calibration parameters for 
systematic error modelling and statistical tests for blunder 
detection. The sequential estimation procedure applies 
Givens transformations for updating of the upper triangle 
of the reduced normal equations (Blais, 1983, Gruen, 
19852). We use Givens transformations as opposed to a 
Kalman update because in robotics the covariance update 
of the parameter vector is not required at every stage and 
then, if at all, only at relatively sparse increments. Moreo- 
ver, the varying size of the parameter vector (addition and 
deletion of new object points, addition of frame exterior 
orientation paramcters) leads to very poor computational 
performance of the Kalman filter. 
The presented approach treats only the 3-D point position- 
ing problem in a sequential mode. A combination of sc- 
quential algorithms in 2-D image measurement and 3-D 
object point positioning within one unique system is feasi- 
ble and meaningful, if for instance MPGC (Multiphoto 
Geometrically Constrained) image matching, which de- 
livers simultaneously object point coordinates, is execut- 
ed for full frames in a pixel-by-pixel (iconic) mode. Also, 
a complete bundle solution with integrated image match- 
ing could be based on this concept. Another generaliza- 
tion is possible if moving objects are included in the 
In section 2, a bricf description of the Givens transforma- 
tions as applied to sequential bundle triangulation with 
static object points is given. Section 3 presents a test ex- 
ample using real image data produced with an arbitrarily 
moving video camera over a 3-D testfield. 
In this section we will present the formulae of Givens 
transformations as applied to sequential estimation in 
bundle systems in a concise fashion. For a more compre- 
hensive treatment compare Blais (1983), Gruen (19852), 
Runge (1987), and Holm (1989). In the following our 
functional model for bundle adjustment will be set up 
without the inclusion of parameters for self-calibration. 
An extension by these parameters is straightforward and 
does not alter the considerations and conclusions present- 
ed here. 
2.1. Least Squares approach for estimation 
The Gauss-Markov model is the estimation model most 
widely used in photogrammetric linear or linearized esti- 
mation problems. An observation vector / of dimension n 
x 1 is functionally related to a u x 1 parameter vector x 
l-e- Ax. (1) 
The design matrix A is an n x u matrix with n 2 u and 
Rank (A) = u. There is no nced to work with rank-defi- 
cient design matrices in on-line triangulation. Rank defi- 
cient systems, caused by missing observations, generally 
do not allow for a comprehensive model check. Observa- 
tions should be accumulated until the system is regular 
and can be solved using standard techniques. For rank de- 
ficiency caused by incomplete datum, see Gruen (1985a). 
Sequential least-squares estimation with pseudo-inverses 
is very costly (compare Boullion, Odell, 1971, p. 50 ff). 
The vector e represents the true errors. With the expecta- 
tion E(e) = 0 and the dispersion operator D, we get 
ED = Ax (2a) 
D(l) = Cy » o2 P , and (2b) 
D(e)  C,, 5 Cy. (2c) 
The estimation of x and 03 is usually attempted as unbi- 
ased, minimum variance estimation performed by means 
of least squares, and results in 
parameter vector & = (A"PA) A'PI, (3a) 
residual vector v 2 AX - 1, (3b) 
: 2 
variance factor 6, = 7 5, r=n-u. (3c) 
The architecture of A is determined by the type of triangu- 
lation method used. As explained previously we chose the 
bundle method for the purpose of generality and rigidity. 
For bundle adjustment, Equation (1) can be written as 
—e = Ag tA 4d SP (4a) 

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