Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

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Version 1 
Table 2: Results of the bundle adjustment with self-calibration for the video camera calibration 
Precision from adjustment 
Accuracy from check points 
Ver| In |AP|Co|Ch| r So 
Object space [mm] 
[pm] ? 
Image space [um] Object space [mm] Image space [um] 
Ox Oy 07 
Ox Oy Mx My Hz Hx Hy 
11419131721605|] 0.96 | 045 ] 0.50 | 0.35 
13 1.3 0.60 |. 0.53. .] 0.37 1.6 1.4 
2141918 671622| 1.021 0.28 | 0.27 | 0.62 
0.8 0.7 0.41 | 0.30 | 0.76 11 0.8 
Meuse een Version 
Im. ees Number of images GG eornm Standard deviation of measured image coordinates a posteriori 
AP ii Number of additional parameters Oxyz e Theoretical precision in object space 
CQ, centres Number of control points Oy e Theoretical precision in image space 
Ch retten Number of check points HX vertere Empirical accuracy in object space 
Trsssressareeres Redundancy Bay enn Empirical accuracy in image space 
summarizes the results of the calibration with a minimal 
control datum (three control points on the wall). In ver- 
sion 2, eight well-distributed control points on the wall 
and testfield frame were used in the adjustment. The em- 
pirical accuracy measures (Ux, Ly, Hz) shows that an ac- 
curacy of better than one millimeter was obtained. 
An accuracy in the order of 1/10*^ of the pixel spacing in 
image space could be achieved. The camera constant was 
determined as c = 10.337 mm, and the pixel spacing as 
10.9 jum (H) x 10.0 um (V). The curve of radial distortion 
of the JVC is illustrated in Figure 5. The 6.4 x 4.8 mm? 
sensor of the JVC is affected by a maximum distortion of 
-57 pm at the sensor border. 
-60 T T T T 
0 1 2 4 
Radius [mm] 
Figure 5: Radial distortion of the JVC video camera 
3.3. On-line triangulation 
In OLTRIS, the image sequence was triangulated to dem- 
onstrate the performance and capability of sequential ad- 
justment for point positioning purposes. As mentioned 
earlier, the triangulation was processed without self-cali- 
bration. The image coordinates for the object points in the 
88 images were determined in a similar fashion as de- 
scribed above for the camera calibration. Known data at 
the start of the triangulation included the station orienta- 
tion data of the first image (introduced as initial values) 
and five distributed object points of the testfield which de- 
fined the datum. After including a new frame into the tri- 
angulation process, at least three points have to be 
measured to compute the approximate values of the exte- 
rior orientation of the “current” camera position. These 
orientation values of each consecutive image in the se- 
quence were computed by resection in space using the ori- 
entation data of the preceding image as initial values. In 
each image, between 79 and 146 points were measured. A 
total of 166 different object points in the testfield were 
used. In total, 20 860 observations (498 object and 20 362 
image point coordinates) were processed with a maximum 
number of 1026 unknowns to be determined in the bundle 
adjustment. The path of the video camera for the test se- 
quence is plotted in Figure 6. The lower line represents 
Y [mm] 
er ——= End 
1200 Start 
1100 —T T T T T TX 
4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6600 
Z [mm] 
4300 La 
4000 —T T T T T T T T T T 
1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 
Number of frames 
Figure 6: Path of the video camera 
the estimated path (i.e. exterior orientation of the 88 imag- 
es) as determined by OLTRIS (with sequential estimation 
and simultaneous adjustment inbetween). The upper line 
indicates the "path" as estimated in a (simultaneous) bun- 
dle adjustment with self calibration in DEDIP. The mean 
of the differences between the two paths is 4.5 mm in x-, 
and -11 mm in y-, and 12 mm in z-direction. This differ- 
ence can be attributed to the absence of systematic error 
compensation in the sequentially estimated version. 
The important comparison to be made here between the 
two adjustment techniques, simultaneous and sequential, 
relates to their respective computation times (CPU) for 
updating the normal equation system and calculating the 
solution vector. In OLTRIS, it is possible to perform se- 
quential update with Givens transformations and simul- 
tancous adjustment with Cholesky factorization and back- 
substitution. Computing times (CPU) for the updating of 
the solution vector when including the observations of 
one additional image point are illustrated in Figure 7. The 
plotted line shows the increase of CPU-time consumption 
depending on the number of frames, observations and un- 
knowns respectively. The computation time measured was 

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