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] to find
As the number of segments in cameras field increases,
these kinds of algorithms become very time consuming.
Temporal matching is less expensive. Particularly, when
the interframe motion is small and therefore, we can re-
duce the search area. As the cameras system moves, in
the first step, we try to track the initial stereo matches in
each camera . Obviously at each step some new segments
enter the cameras visual fields and some others may have
not been tracked. Therefore to add new coming segments
to our set of stereo matchings, we run again a classical
hypothesis-verification algorithm , see [3], only on those
few segments. It is not very costly because of the reduced
number of hypotheses generated.
6.4 Third Step: temporal matching
Once a part of the stereo pairs of the segments have been
temporally tracked, in this step we try to track the other
2D line segments. We use the results of the first step in
two different ways. First we mark the segments which take
part of the stereo-temporal matching segments. Then we
use the estimated motion obtained in first step to obtain
the temporal matchings of the 2D limbo line segments, on
each camera.
Here, we explain our temporal matching algorithm on
one of the camera. For the extremities of each segment S;,,
taken at time £;, we draw the corresponding epipolar lines
in the image taken by the same camera at time t;+1. As we
have an estimation of the motion of the camera between t;
and t;+1, we can consider them as a pair of stereo camera.
The length of the segment, obtained through edge detec-
tion and polygonal approximation processes, is not reliable.
Therefore, we do not expect that the extremities of the seg-
ment 5;,,, temporal matching of 5,, belong to these epipo-
lar lines. We define a function F(5;,, $4.) which measures
the goodness of a temporal matching (5;,, 5;,,, ).
Suppose e; and e» be the corresponding epipolar lines
of the two extremities of S. F is defined as follows:
di + do
(Sk, , Su )
FS S. =o + B
where d; and d3 are defined as in the figure6.4, and EA
defines the length of the segment 5,,,,, and in our experi-
ments o — f — 1 and Zmaz — 5-
The second term of the E tion F (St, Sty.) is to take
into consideration that after a small motion there is only a
small change in the direction the 2D line segments. More
details on this subject can be found in [15].
7 Results
We have used several sequences of stereo images obtained
by our mobilerobot. The baseline is about 43mm, the focal
length, 8mm and the pixel size, 8x14um?. The distance
between the objects and the cameras varies from 2m to
dm. In the experiments presented here, robot rotates 5.0
degrees around its vertical axis and moves forward 15cm, at
each step. Experimental results are shown in figures6-13.
Figures 6-7 and 8-9 display images taken by the first
and the second cameras, at t, and t respectively. The re-
sults obtained at different steps of the algorithm are shown
in figures 10-13. Figures Figures10-11 show the stereo-
temporal matching segments after one iteration of the first
step of the algorithm. We also apply the estimated mo-
tion to the 3D data obtained at ¢; and show their pro-
jections on the first camera (black segments) overlayed on
the image taken at ta for comparison. Temporal matchings
(white segments) are used to update the motion estima-
tion. Figures 12-13 show the result of the third iterations.
The motion estimation is improved and we track almost
all the segments. After the second and the third steps of
the algorithm almost all the 2D line segments are correctly
matched. Due to the large number of tracked segments on
each camera, it is not easy to visualize the results in black
and white. Therefore, the results on the second and the
third steps of the algorithm are presented, using the color
slides, during the conference.
8 conclusion
We have presented a unified and iterative algorithm for the
fusion of the visual data based on the dynamic cooperation
between stereo matching and temporal matching processes.
This cooperation is robust and less time consuming than
doing the classical stereo reconstruction at each step of the
motion of a mobile robot and the results are quite satis-
factory. As we use all segments to estimate the kinematic
screw the method only works if all segments considered ac-
tually belong to the same rigid object, otherwise it fails. A
solution for the multiple objects motion analysis based on
the stereo-motion cooperation is given in [16].
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