Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

The Romanian Society of Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing 
Commission No. VI 
This Report submitted to the 371 TSPRS 
Congress held in Washington D.C. presents 
the technical-scientific, educational- 
training activities within the Romanian 
Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
covering its involved branches, during 
1988-1992, in Romania. 
Key Words: National Report, Photogrammetry, 
Remote Sensing, Educational, Training 
Romania is represented within ISPRS by the 
S.R.F.T. (The Romanian Society of Photo- 
grammetry and Remote Sensing). The S.R.F.T. 
activity is carrying out within its seven 
Technical Commissions very akin to ISPRS 
Technical Commissions. The S.R.F.T. includes 
all Photogrammetrists and Remote Sensing 
specialists in our country. According to 
its Statutes and depending on its possibi- 
lities, obviously, it is an important pro- 
gress element. 
The most important activity related to the 
topographic and cadastral map compilation 
covering, nowadays, more than 85 per cent 
of the whole country territory, using pho- 
togrammetric procedures and equipment has 
been completed during this inter-congresses 
At the same time, scientific and technolo- 
gical concerns have focussed on the inter- 
active photogrammetric system development 
to be used both in analytical aerial trian- 
gulation and analytical cadastral mapping. 
An analytical photogrammetric station con- 
sists in an analytical plotter, i.e. either 
a Stereocomparator, a Stecometer or a Diko- 
meter and a PC computer for aerial photo- 
graph plotting. About six stations are 
coupled to a minicomputer (Host Computer); 
an automatic drawing configuration is, 
also, connected to that minicomputer. 
A present-day important concern is the a- 
nalogical plotter upgrading, that is, to 
be supplied with digitizers and microcom- 
puters. Topographical mapping, both gra- 
phical and digital, as well as, DTM are 
to be developed. 
A comprehensive study required by The 
Centre of the Saxon Studies in Gundelsheip- 
Germany - covering 243 Transylvanian set- 
tlements inhabited by Saxon and Romanian 
people, emphasizing the Saxon historical 
monuments, has been carried out, based on 
1956-1992 photogrammetric data and infor- 
Terrestrial photogrammetry has been exten- 
sively applied both to some important engi- 
neering works to monitor their behaviours, 
such as bridges (over the Danube River) 
viaducts, dams, and to archaeology, espe- 
cially, to some church and various reli- 
gious and historical memorial rebuildings. 
In Romania, the Remote Sensing applications 
have been carried out by various Remote 
Sensing laboratories related to some fields 
of activity, viz.: X1) 1.6.F.C.0.1.. (The 
Institute of Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Car- 
tography and Land Management) on cartogra- 
phic matters and environmental monitoring; 
(2) D.T.M. (The Army Topographical Division) 
on medium and small scale map updating; 
(3) I.N.M.H. (The National Institute of 
Meteorology and Hydrology) on hydrological 
matters; (4) I.S.P.I.F. (The Institute for 
Land Improving Studies and Designing) on 
special-subject matters; (5) I.6.6. (The 
Institute of Geology and Geophysics) on 
geological matters; (6) I.C.B. (The College 
of Civil Engineering-Bucharest), within the 
Geodetical chair. 
Undoubtly, Remote Sensing knows a large 
application range: cadastral, topographic 
and thematic map updating, photomap compi- 
lation, image processing, manifold resear- 
ches over the Danube Delta and wet areas, 
underground resource inventory and moni- 
toring, atmospheric investigations, water 
resource evaluation, land improvement, fo- 
rlestry conservation and improvement, in- 
vestigations on environment and water pol- 
lution sources over the whole country ter- 
Litory, land planning, urbanism and archa- 
eology, just to mention some. 
There have been concerns aiming at a proper 
technical upgrading on analogical and digi- 
tal processings; during 1988-1990, the 
first half inter-congress period, the East- 
European countries and the internal pro- 
duction have been the only sources; since 
1990, some restricted equipment of the spe- 
cialized companies from the Western countries 
has been coming into use. The Remote Sensing 
approaches have been mostly focussing on 
researching activities, and not so much on 
common applications. 
That researching activity has covered the 
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