Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

following branches 
- an Automatic Remote Sensing Multispectral 
Data Processing System has been developed; 
- some test fields have been established 
to calibrate aerial and spatial data using 
soil information, which the terrestrial, 
aerial and space platforms had taken; 
- areas with moisture in excess, salt lands 
and erosion-damaged ones have been esta- 
blished and used to solve some designing 
land improvement requirements; 
- some land fund concern monitoring (mining, 
industrial and domestic waste material 
deposits, lands put under crop located over 
surface mining areas, built-in area deve- 
lopment monitoring, soil pollution moni- 
toring over areas adjacent to industrial 
sites, hydromeliorative system behaviour 
monitoring in the course of time); 
- manifold studies over the Danube Delta; 
- pasture inventory and monitoring; 
- environmental monitoring; 
- topographic and thematic map compilation 
and updating. 
It is worth mentioning our concern to de- 
velop a Romanian manifold Remote Sensing 
system in cooperation with some internatio- 
nal organisations. Thus, a National Remote 
Sensing Centre is to be established to sup- 
port the required technical basis carrying 
out some usual approaches related to va- 
rious fields of activity. 
Manifold researches over the Danube Delta 
and wet areas have been carried out within 
the I.C.B., to: 
- investigate morphological changes and 
environmental features thoroughly for some 
land improving applications; 
- monitor some morphological changes over 
the Danube Delta and the Black Sea coastal 
- establish indices monitoring environmen- 
tal elements within the fish breeding ponds; 
- collect and evaluate the Remote Sensing 
thematic data proper to a deltaic area, to 
establish the environmental parameters, as 
well as, to intergrate them into the Land 
Information System - the Danube Delta; 
- make operational an information system 
based on satellite and aerial Remote Sensing 
data over the Danube Delta and the Black 
Sea coastal areas. 
In the last two years, the I.6.F.C.0.T. has 
managed the cooperation with other specia- 
lized institutes on a LIS/GIS - the Danube 
Delta achievement, using a 1:10,000 scale 
photomap, as the future requirements could 
not be based only on classical cartographic 
products. The information capacity to be 
used within LIS/GIS - The Danube Delta 
amounts to 4.106. 
A Danube Delta Pilot Project for scales 
smaller than 1:10,000 is to be carried out 
by 1.6.N. France International, 1.G.F.C.0.7. 
(Romania) and SCOT Conseil (France). This 
pilot project is to compile the Danube 
Delta 1:50,000 scale map using digital SPOT 
multispectral image processing. That map 
is to be used in land cover classification 
and evaluation, and as a digital map for 
LIS/GIS - the Danube Delta, as well. 
Owing to the present-day concerns of some 
Commission VI specialists, as well as, to 
our production state during this inter-con- 
gress period, the main S.R.F.T. objectives 
have envisaged: (1) our photogrammetrist and 
remote sensing operator training, especially 
on terrestrial photogrammetry; (2) tests on 
photogrammetry-remote sensing subjects; 
(3) technology for photogrammetry - remote 
During 1989-1992, the researching activity 
has focussed on some experimental works 
based on national and regional topics: 
(1) Photomap compilation for land fund and 
environmental researching activities (1989, 
1990, 1991, 1992); (2) Pollution effect mo- 
nitoring over the agricultural areas adjacent 
to some industrial works (1989); (3) Study 
on the methodology establishing forestry 
cover within pastures (1990); (4) A Remote 
Sensing study on irrigation systems (1990); 
(5) Aerial and space multispectral images 
in establishing agricultural lands with 
moisture in excess (1990); (6) Thematic map- 
ping using space photographs (1991); (7) A 
LIS/GIS-The Danube Delta development (1991, 
1992); (8) Photomap regarded as an instrument 
restoring the land fund (1992). 
It is worth mentioning the periodical scien- 
tific meetings: (1) the 3-1d Geodetic Meeting 
(Bucharest, 1988); (2) The Romanian and 
French Symposium (Bucharest, 1991); (3) 
Yearly I.G.F.C.D.T. and D.T.M. Meetings 
(1989-1992). Among S.R.F.T. meetings, in 
which researchers, teaching staff, photo- 
grammetrists and Remote Sensing specialists 
have taken an active part, we can mention: 
The 12-th and the 13-th Commission V Symposia 
(held in Bucharest, 1989 and Suceava,1991) 
on "Special Photogrammetric Application Ef- 
ficiencies" and "Photogrammetric and Remote 
Sensing Technics in Environmental Engineering", 
Several subjects approached within these 
last symposia are given below: non-metric 
aerial camera calibration; photogrammetry 
and remote sensing in forestry applications; 
architectural photogrammetry and urbanism; 
photogrammetry in hydropower construction 
and management; photogrammetric and remote 
sensing applications in land improvement; 
environmental engineering and rural planning; 
photogrammetric procedures in communication 
ways; open and underground mining based on 
photointerpretation, photointerpretation 
related to historical monuments, settle- 
ments and sites. 
Besides the above mentioned activities we 
can also mention the followings: (a) The 
Romanian Commission of the Architectural 
Photogrammetry has been established; (b) A 
cooperation with the Italian Photogramme- 
tric Commission in Bari has been agreed 
We have been concerned to further input 
data into I.G.F.C.0.T. GEOBIB data base for 
bibliographical information retrieval. 

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