Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

S.R.F.T. - 79662 Bucuresti, Bd: Expozitiei 
1A, sector 1 (Romania) 
U.G.R. (The Union of the Romanian Geodesists) 
- 72302 Bucuresti, Bd. Republicii 124,sec- 
tor 2 (Romania) 
C.R.F.A. (The Romanian Commission of the 
Architectural Photogrammetry) - 70528 
Bucuresti, Str. Endchi{d Vacdiescu 16, 
sector 4 (Romania) 
A. Reviews: 
Bul. F & T n:.1/1991 (Publisher: S.R.F.T.); 
Rev.de Geodezie, Cartografie si Cadastru 
ni .1/1992 (Publisher: U.G.R.); 
Volumul III. Fotogrammetrie-Teledetectie, 
Comunicäri si Referate, CNIT, Bucuresti. 
The III-1d National Conference of Geodesy, 
1988,.259 p.; 
Analele I.6.F,0C.0.1.,,nr.IX/1988, .X/1992, 
Analele T.0.F.0.0.T., 1988 
{30 Years of 1.0.F.C.0.T, 
special issue, 
Remote Sensing Report, Romanian-French 
Symposium, 1991, Remote Sensing Commis- 
sion, Romanian Academy 
B. Books: 
Leu, L.N. et al., 1990. MAásursStori teres- 
tre pentru agriculturd, Editura Ceres, Bu- 
curesti, 352 p. 
Rusu,A., 1988. Fotografia aerianä si tele- 
detectia in economia foiestieriá, Editura 
Ceres, Bucuresti, 197 p. 
Teodorescu,C. et al., 1988. Satelitii arti- 
ficiali la sfírgit de mileniu, Edituria 
Stiintificä si Enciclopedicä, Bucuresti, 
479. p.

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