Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

In the surroundings of Aartrijke (fig. 11) an in- 
dication of an urnfield, (A) a burial place of the 
Iron time, (1100 Bc) is visible. 
Fig.11. Oblique aerial photograph of the area of 
Aartrijke (J.SEMEY). 
One year later, the same area was observed from 
the air (fig.12), but from an other viewpoint. 
Fig. 12. Oblique aerial photograph of the area of 
Aartrijke (one year later) (J.SEMEY). 
Not only the urnfield is appearing (A) but also a 
number of rounded burial-places of the Bronze Age 
(A) (1500-1100 BC.). 
The observation of these two images learns that 
these traces appears only under specific conditions 
of soil and vegetation. These images show also a 
remarkable continuity of the occupation but also 
that the population density in this area was much 
higher than be tought before. 
3.2.3. A following example (fig. 13) shows a very 
complex situation. 
Fig. 13. Oblique aerial photograph of Assenede 
The curved lines (A) are testifying of the chan- 
nels or creeks passing trough the area during the 
The concordant design of the fields is recent but 
the discordant field parcels are referring to an 
older system. 
A corner of a site surrounded by a large ditch can 
be seen. It is an indication of a mediaeval :farm- 
stead (B). On top of the site a trace of a former 
well or watering place (c) is clearly visible. 
In the under left part of the image traces can be 
observed of a double ditch system forming the 
enclosure of an old settlement (D). perhaps dating 
from the Iron Age. 
At theupper rightpart of the image black spots 
occur referring also to a settlement from the Iron 
A last example (fig. 14) is given by an oblique 
aerial photograph of Sint-Laureins situated in 
the Northern part of Flanders. 
One can see clearly the design of the creeks for- 
med during a catastrophic flooding happening in the 
year 1390. 

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