Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Integrations in Developing Countries of the 
world and that of Africa in particular 
without a reliable geographic/Resource 
Information. Conversely, there will be no 
reliable geographic/resource information 
without adequate investment in the Technology. 
At the International Level, attempt is 
partially being made by international 
organization, e.g. U.N. towards assisting 
developing countries solve these problems 
of Technology Development, complemented 
by the assistance offered by highly developed 
countries e.g. U.S.A., Canada, U.K. 
In dealing with the problem of geographic/ 
resources Information Technological 
Development, the following issues needs to 
be critically addressed. There are: 
1. What is the actual status of geographic/ 
resource Information Exploration in various 
Developing Countries of the world. 
At this point it will be expedient to define 
the term geographic/Resource Information 
Exploration in the context of this paper. 
It implies, broadly speaking, Land Surveying, 
Coverage of Geodetic Triangulation, 
Determination of ground control points, 
Aerial and Terrestial photography, photo- 
interpretation, compilation of all possible 
kinds of maps by photo-grammetric methods 
for all kinds of application except military 
applications, and Map Reproduction. 
2. Can the annual progress accomplished at 
the present time in these field be considered 
as sufficient and satisfactory for an 
efficient technical and Economic Development 
of the countries in question. 
3. What percentage of the National Revenue 
and of the Public Expenditure is presently 
spent for geographic/Resource Information 
Are the Actual Yearly Expenditure adequate 
for an efficient technical and Economic 
Development of the Nation in question. 
h. If the yearly achievements in this regards 
is considered insufficient for a given 
country, what has to be done to improve the 
Department of Photogrammetry, Laval University, 
Canada, has been conducting Research since 
1966 to offer solutions to the above questions, 
The result of that research project for 
developing countries shows a very low level 
of progress in geographic/Resource Information 
Exploration and Technological Development. 
In all photogrammetric Map Compilation 
projects, Geodetic Ground Control 
Points are very vital. An inventory 
of the present coverage of Geodetic 
Ground Control Points in Developing 
Countries of the world and Africa in 
particular shows that about one third 
(1/3) of the Land area is covered by 
principal arcs, measured approximately 
between 100 and 150 kilometres. In 
Some countries e.g. Nigeria, these 
gaps are filled in with first order 
geodetic Triangulation Network. 
For Agricultural Engineering and 
Resource Development projects, Medium 
Scale Maps at a scale of 1.250,000 to 
1.50,000 are essential. The production 
of such maps requires a more denser 
Network of controls than the vertical 
and horizontal Network of controls 
provided by the principal arcs, 
investigation, reveals that a little 
less than one third of the Land Area 
is covered and densed enough to permit 
compilation of maps at Medium Scale 
(African Situation). 
Large Scale Maps are required for all 
Town Planning and development 
functions, to compile map at such a 
scale, geodetic ground controls points 
should be per square kilometres, such 
density of controls is not found 
anywhere in Developing Countries 
except for special purpose applications. 
It is evidence from this brief Analysis 
that the Extension of geodetic ground 
Control Network do not progress at 
the rate required for effective 
inventory of Natural Resources, 
Explorations and Fhotogrammetric Map 
Compilation projects. Studies shows 
that only small scale mapping 
(1/1,000,000) at National and 
International Level are on progress 
due to the Technical Supports given 
by international organization, e.g. 
United Nations. 
United Nation Cartographic Reports 
Shows the following percentage of 
coverage at the respective Scales 
world wide (emphasis on Africa). 
1:250,000 or Larger About 35% 
1:100,000  - between 15 = 25% 
1: 25,000 - About 5% including 
cadastral plan.

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