Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

system that can now be used to create a well 
structured evaluation of the state of the real 
world. This is achieved by comparing the model with 
perceptions of "what is the present mechanism". 
(Eg. Research) 
Know about Know about 
methods of untransferred 
transfer technology 
Know about 
Communicate knowledge s € 
with "criteria system" Define criteria for * 
matching technology 
with industry 
Select technologies 
to be transferred to 
; target industries 
Determine the 
appropriate criteria 
and techniques to be 
Define criteria for 
selecting methods 
of transferring 
Select suitable methods 
for transferring 
technology to target 
Define criteria for 
effectiveness Communicate specific 
efficacy and details of the selected 
efficien methods for technology 
transfer with the 
onitor and control application system" 
the technology 
transfer process -— sus N ; 
Tercio mime and Develop the operatiomal 
ta ney Procedures for technology 
Apply the selected 
methods for 
| transferring Stimulate and maintain 
technology E technology transfer 
Figure 4: Second Resolution Conceptual Model 
Stage 5 : Comparison 
Comparison of the Conceptual Model with the real 
world is undertaken by comparing each of the second 
resolution activities within the model with the 
real world problem situation. This was achieved in 
this study by the rigorous interviewing of project 
managers in agencies and companies that use 
remotely sensed data. In the interview the 
following questions were asked for each activity: 
1. Do you undertake the described activity? 
2. If so, please briefly describe how this is 
3. If so, please define the measure of 
performance for undertaking this activity. 
4, If so, please describe any improvements that 
could be made to the way you currently 
undertake this activity. If not, are you 
likely to undertake this activity in the 
future? How would you do it? 
5. Do you think that this is an important 
The research programme is now at this stage of the 
analysis. Preliminary comparison studies with 
selected agencies indicate that the majority of the 
activities in the Conceptual Model, while being 
relevant to the real world, are either not done at 
all, or are undertaken in an ad hoc manner. Other 
activities are undertaken within well specified 
environments, or by stakeholders with well defined 
interests. Activities that attract particular 
interest by virtue of their absence in the real 
world include: 
Monitor and control the technology transfer 
Know about untransferred technology. 
Define criteria for selecting methods of 
transferring technology. 
Define criteria for effectiveness, efficacy 
and efficiency. 
Develop the operational procedures for 
technology transfer. 
The Conceptual Model will now be developed to the 
third level of resolution based upon this first 
comparison with the real world. This will result in 
10 to 12 detailed models with an aggregate of about 
80 activities. The comparison stage will then be 
repeated with organisations that are representative 
of the various sectors in the real world that have 
an interest in the technology transfer of remote 
Stage 6 and 7 Recommendations for Change, and 
Taking Action 
The final comparison studies in Stage 5 will 
generate proposals for change that will present a 
solution for the problem. These proposals will then 
be assembled into feasible desirable changes that 
can be implemented. This may require the assessment 
of the desirability and feasibility of alternative 
"Hows" to achieve the proposed change. 
The participants from the organisations studied 
have generally responded well to the analysis 
process. An important measure of success is their 
willingness to continue with further interviews, 
and their assistance in identifying other potential 
groups for study. In a majority of cases, 
individuals have claimed that their participation 
in the analysis has directly lead to useful 
insights into the problems they are having with 
technology transfer. 
A number of tools have been developed within the 
analysis, including a remote sensing newsletter, a 
project, personnel and technology database, and a 
poster display. These have improved communication 
between groups, and provided a focus on remote 
sensing and technology transfer issues. 
This application of Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) 
to the problem of technology transfer of remote 
sensing has produced useful results as the analysis 
The participative nature of the analysis has in its 
own right improved communication between agencies 
involved in the study. This has resulted from the 
proactive process of maintaining and developing a 
dialogue with industry and government agencies as 
part of the programme. The most tangible form of 
this benefit is the development of the remote 
.sensing database. 
Uo +3 CG Oo On 3 > 

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