Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

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To reduce clutter, field names were listed in a "Legend" card 
and small icons were kept in the background of each feature 
card to remind the user of the locations of specific information. 
For example, a sketch of the photogrammetric compilation 
image was placed in a frame meant to look like a 9x9 stage. 
Notes for field edit were placed in a frame looking like a 
clipboard. Scribing point sizes were listed next to a scriber 
icon, typesetting specifications were placed next to a PMT icon, 
and so forth. 
" é File Edit 6e 
d © Late m 
Bullt-up area EL 
Townor densely built wrbenerea. Show main roeds 
through the area. Show main streets. Outline 
‘| |eccording © shape. Show separawly public buildings 
Name? outline & fil 
(proper name; 
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síngla buildings (festus 202). See cl. zu e RN 
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un 21 = seem 
Figure 2--Sample Feature Card 
Although the cartographic feature card used some icons to 
reduce unnecessary text, there was still a good deal of English 
which required translation to Arabic. During the planning 
stages, the English was not a problem for the middle-to-high 
level Egyptian management, but first-line supervisors and the 
technicians themselves, could not use the feature cards 
effectively. To provide a ready reference for first-line 
supervisors and technicians, the information on the feature 
cards was separated into more specialized documents for 
Compilation, Field Edit and Color Separation. The resulting 
Color Separation Reference had so little text, it was practical to 
provide Arabic translations for each word except for numbers 
and some type font names. 
1:50,000 Color Separation Reference olgfl JM eLad 00,000 
ro pe Rana "P liege Dale 
Number | Festare Draft Final Specifications Place 
YAN Lacs abl a: > Ay 
201 Bull-up area lm Elia dp 15% e 
vor sla s .. ps eed 
202 Me Ne n° a 15 Bra © 
v © 
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204 à i so @ uel B 1% A 
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205 Hosphal sde 2p: Bir Qu 28 
YA PEEL = + 23 
508 e 15x15 aged DM 
206 Police station b'"" Q'u EZ 
YN wll |g + 
207 Pre sation Fi 9 b" g uz 28 
YA || aal s angl scs un? - 
208 a ale = Bis e a 28 
YA "m s ee 
209 508 i By "n e apt 28 
ve]. cela Lat ut ag "s [CL ss [ELT Aem] D 
210 e [23 [me 1 B ntn S err on 9 
JFess 21 December 1900 paged 
Figure 3--Color Separation Reference 
2.2 The Color Separation Reference 
The Color Separation reference was laid out in a fashion similar 
to the conventional symbol sheet, but with a few notable 
exceptions. First, the images and selected text were raked off 
the feature cards digitally to minimize redundant data entry and 
allow for quick updating. The fact that the feature sketches 
were reproduced exactly from the feature cards made it easy for 
middle management to correlate the two documents. Secondly, 
specifications regarding dimensions, color and lineweight were 
presented in a procedure-oriented fashion. For example, the 
scriber icon appears with the lineweight dimension only for 
those features which would be scribed. Lineweights of stick-up 
features are not listed; a PMT icon indicates the prescribed 
EL 2 «4 A 6pt century 
15% eu 
"" p posal] P^ 
pa NN et + Brea © 
Figure 4--Color Separation Reference Detail 
A significant departure from the conventional symbol sheet was 
the decision to add a column which shows which photo- 
reproducible plate or plates are involved in the color-separation 
process. This column contains specific plate icons which are 
keyed to the Color Separation Flowcharts. 
150,000 Topographic Maps 
Color Separation Inventory 
JFass 1-Dec-01 
Sources Edit Overlays Type Negatives Halos and Masks 
~ SAN o 
TG d Overlay Tipo Negative Vegetation Mask 
Eo] : 
Culture Manuscript Line Edit Overlay Brown Tipe Negative Open Windows 
4 "za " 
HydragraphyM&nuserp: Composite Negatives CGroan 7)pe Negativ Cpoz Water Window 
z z - 
E o E fa 
tr Q Maauscriet WC Negative Rod Tipe Negative RU Wider Window 
Hypoography Panel Blue Composite Ngatiwe Scribes Culdratod Area Wiadow 
EA > 5, 7 
- Culture zx Composite Negative Wm - um Window 
© CS 
Field Edit - Hydrography ~~ Greea Composite Nogaiive X ES Window 
© % 
Culture Clarification Rod Composite Negative En Window 
Hydrography Clarification Type Positives Hydro Seribe ZW T 
ZR AN = 
Aemes Overtey Back Type Positive Chatour Stribe Window 
va S 
Color Proofs Bue Tipe Positive Roade Scribe Ares Below Zero Window 
Er e 
Final Proof Brom: Type Positive Drain Seribe 
D sm 
100% Proof Tipe Positive oe Strib 
j B 
Figure 5--Color Separation Inventory 
2.3 The Plate Inventory 
The first step in preparing a production flowchart for color 
separation was to assign standard icons for each plate which 
may exist in the color separation packet for a particular map 
series. The specifications team started with the 1:50,000 scale 
topographic map series and listed each plate according to 
category: Sources, Proofs, Composite Negatives, Type 
Positives, etc. Then the plates were numbered sequentially and 

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