Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

As a multimedia system for GIS instruction, Hyper-GIS 
showed the feasibility of utilizing multimedia technol- 
ogy and provided a new form of nonlinear and multidi- 
mensional learning and instruction of the NCGIA GIS 
materials. Through the hyper-linkages created in 
Hyper-GIS, a variety of media, including text, graphics, 
images, sound, and animation, interacted with one 
another, thereby enhancing the instruction of the 
NCGIA Core Curriculum. With Hyper-GIS, students 
can do random and nonlinear knowledge-searching, and 
teachers can provide random access instruction accord- 
ing to students’ knowledge of GIS. Computerizing 
NCGIA GIS materials can also provide capabilities for 
updating the materials matching the latest GIS develop- 
ments and for incorporating local GIS applications. 
The NCGIA Core Curriculum could be presented as a 
multimedia system for GIS instruction. Once the system 
is built, not only can the NCGIA Core Curriculum be 
updated in a timely fashion, but the latest GIS develop- 
ments are also easily included. 
This project was funded by the School of Agriculture at 
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.A. We 
acknowledge the Turing Institute for the support of the 
HyperNeWS software and thank Chris C. Rewerts for 
his assistance in the installation of HyperNeWS. 
Engel, B.A., D.D. Jones, R.M. Strickland, M. Bland, and 
A. Krause, 1992. Computer-based environmental 
decision support and educational systems. In: 
Proceedings of ENVIROTECH VIENNA 1992: 
Information Technology in Waste Management (W. 
Pillmann, editor), Apr. 22-24, Vienna, Austria. 
Goodchild, M.F., and K.K. Kemp (editors), 1990. 
NCGIA Core Curriculum in GIS. National Center 
for Geographic Information and Analysis, Santa 
Barbara, California, U.S.A. 
Nix, D., and R. Spiro (editors), 1990. Cognition, Edu- 
cation, and Multimedia. Lawrence Erlbaum Asso- 
ciates, Inc., Hillsdale, New Jersey, U.S.A., 214 p. 
Rewerts, C. Chris, and B.A. Engel, 1991. ANSWERS 
on GRASS: integrating a watershed simulation 
with a GIS. International Winter Meeting of Amer- 
ican Society of Agricultural Engineering, ASAE 
Technical Paper No. 912621, Dec. 17-20, Chicago, 
IL, U.S.A. 
Srinivasan, R., 1992. Spatial Decision Support System 
for Assessing Agricultural Non-point Source Pollu- 
tion Using GIS. Ph.D. Dissertation. Purdue 
University, West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.A., 193 p. 
Srinivasan, R., X. Zhuang, B.A. Engel, and C.C. 
Rewerts, 1991. Teaching GIS and its applications 
to water resources: multimedia applications. Inter- 
national Winter Meeting of American Society of 
Agricultural Engineering, ASAE Technical Paper 
No. 91-5517, Dec. 17-20, Chicago, IL, U.S.A. 
Srinivasan, R. and B.A. Engel, 1990. GIS estimation of 
runoff using the CN technique. International Sum- 
mer Meeting of American Society of Agricultural 
Engineering, ASAE Paper No. 91-7044, Jun. 23- 
26, Albuquerque, NM, U.S.A. 
The Turing Institute, 1990. HyperNeWS User's Manual 
(electronic version). The Turing Institute, Glas- 
gow, U.K. 
Wright. R.D., 1992. Integrating university education 
and funded projects in a GIS applications course. 
Geo Info Systems, March, pp. 50-53. 

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