Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

HyperGIS 1.0 
Introduction to GIS 
GIS Applications in Water Resources 
GIS Applications in Water Quality 
GIS Applications in Soil Conservation 
GIS Applications in Other Natural Resources Management 
Figure 1. The main menu of Hyper-GIS. 
Section 1. Introduction to GIS 
What is a GIS? 
Why is GIS Important? 
Market of GIS 
Contributing Displines and Technologies 
Major Areas of Practical Application 
GIS Components 
Spatial Relationships in Spatial Analysis 
Data Representation : 
Data Collection 
Overview of Applications 
GIS Definitions (USGS) 
Figure 2. The menu of Section I in Hyper-GIS. 
Figure 3. GIS components. 

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