Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

the project. 
6) Establish a budget for the project. 
7) Plan the staffing of the project over its life. 
Project Control: 
1) Ensure that project objectives are being met as 
the project progresses. 
2) Maintain control over schedule by changing work 
loads and emphasis as required by delays in 
critical activities. 
3) Evaluate expenditure of funds in terms of both 
work accomplished and time. 
4) Evaluate manpower utilisation and individual 
work progress and make adjustments as required. 
5) Evaluate time, cost, and work performance in 
terms of schedules, budgets, and technical plans to 
identify interaction problems. 
The first step in developing the model is to define 
project tasks. 
Certain tasks are common to most remote sensing 
projects. The following are the general type of 
tasks that would make up a typical project 
programme where remote sensing is being considered: 
Define Project - What is to be 
achieved? : 
Activity 1. 
Evaluate Existing Databases - 
What information is already 
available in existing systems? 
Activity 2. 
Initial discussion with Remote 
Sensing Consultant 
Activity 3. 
Define need for Remote Sensing - 
Make a comparative analysis of 
options available. An initial 
cost-benefit analysis may be 
Activity 4. 
Activity 5. Set Remote Sensing Objectives - 
Activity 6. 
Activity 7. 
Activity 8. 
Activity 9. 
Activity 10. 
Activity 11. 
Activity 12, 
Define Data Processing Techniques 
- What data is available, how can 
it be transformed into useful 
information, how will it be used, 
and what will happen to it at the 
completion of the project? 
Establish Standard for Digital 
Interchange of Data - The 
information that the project 
produces must be able to be 
exported to the appropriate 
existing system (Eg. A parcel 
based Land Information System). 
Define type of Data - A choice 
must be made, what platform and 
what sensor? 
Define type of Image Analysis 
System - Which computer-based 
Image Analysis System will be 
used? Is it available in your 
organisation? Is it available for 
hire, lease or purchase? 
Define Personnel Requirements - 
Can you staff this project from 
your organisation? Are 
consultants available? 
Image Selection - Consider the 
. Availability 
. Cloud Cover 
. Dates 
. Format - Hardcopy (ie 
Floppy Disk 
. Level of Processing 
Image Purchase - The Australian 
Centre for Remote Sensing (ACRES) 
is the principal provider of 
How will the use of remote remotely sensed data in 
sensing achieve the overall Australia. 
project objectives? 
Table 1: Resourcing a Remote Sensing Project 
Project Project Application Remote Remote 
Manager Assistant Experts Sensing Sensing 
Consultant Analysts 
Activity 1 * * 
Activity 2 * * * 
Activity 3 * * * * 
Activity 4 * 
Activity 5 * * * 
Activity 6 * * * 
Activity 7 * * 
Activity 8 * * 
Activity 9 * 
Activity 10 * * 
Activity 11 * * 
Activity 12 * * 
Activity 13 * 
Activity 14 * 
Activity 15 * 
Activity 16 * * 
Activity 17 * * 
Activity 18 * * * * * 
Activity 19 * * * 
Activity 20 * * * 
Activity 21 * * * 
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