Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

ensuring that changes are not made to its structure without her 
concurrence and thoroughly documenting allauthorized changes. 
The Systems Support and Development Department is respon- 
sible for hardware, software and network maintenance. Responsi- 
bility for software development, currently the job of the Geonex 
LIS Advisor, will in time be shifted to the Land Records Depart- 
ment Manager. 
Final Products 
This module produces: 
e All reports currently produced by ESA for the Ministry of 
Justice and the Tax Office. 
e All forms currently in use by ESA for the collection, compi- 
lation and dissemination of cadastral information. 
e Customized reports to the extent provided for by Paradox. 
e Ad hoc queries of the LRMS database. 
Data Sources 
Data used within the LIS Applications Module (LISAM) come 
from either the cartographic or LRMS data base. 
Cross Indexed Database 
The data in the cartographic and LRMS databases are conflated 
through the use of a parcel identifier which is included in both 
databases. The parcel identifier, or PID, is a unique data string 
which serves to positively identify a specific parcel in the LRMS. 
In some cases, the PID is predictably assembled from records 
simultaneously and independently maintained inthe cartographic 
and LRMS databases. In other cases, the PID is newly assigned in 
thecartographic database first, then added to the LRMS database. 
Portions of the LRMS database are then ported to the platform of 
the cartographic database where the relational database capabili- 
ties within ARC/Info are used to affect parcel polygon conflation. 
The relational characteristics of both Paradox and ARC/Info 
facilitate the expansion and modification of the cross indexed 
database as the need arises. 
Quality Control 
As all data used in LISAM come from either the cartographic or 
LRMS database, the maintenance of the quality and integrity of 
those data is carried out under the modules used to produce those 
databases. Quality control procedures within LISAM focus on 
exceptions identified following the conflation of the graphic infor- 
mation contained in the cartographic database with the items in 
the LRMS database. 
Data which fails to conflate due to inconstancies in the disparate 
data sources are sorted into three cases. 
1) Empty Polygon— No LRMS record exists for the the graphic 
parcel polygon. 
2) Orphan PID- No graphic parcel polygon exists for the LRMS 
3) Bad PID-PID is mis-coded inthe LRMS record or the graphic 
parcel polygon. 
Corrective action for cases 1) and 2) are delegated to the next 
round of map maintenance involving the mobilization of field 
crews. Corrective action for case 3) is normally possible within the 
LISAM work group. The strategy of exception processing is, 
therefore, to find as many occurrences of case 3) as possible from 
symptoms which show up originally as case 1) and 2). 
PID strings are printed out in Empty Polygon Reports and Orphan 
PID reporis, then researched in the office to verify that the PID 
strings are correctly assembled from the various sub-fields (Gov- 
ernorate code, District code, Village code, etc.). 
Arecord of bad PID formation is maintained by the LISAM work 
group to provide timely feedback to the quality control sections of 
the Map and Land Records Production Modules. 
This module consists of the following systems. 
* Data Conflation System — This system controls the cross 
indexing of parcel boundariesin the cartographic database with 
the parcel table in the LRMS database. This task is carried out 
on DEC 5000 workstations in the map publishing system of the 
Map Production Module. 
e Exception Processing System —This system provides support 
for exception processing. 
e Applications System —This system controlsthe creation and 
production of special purpose maps and customized reports 
from the cross indexed databases. Ad hoc inquiries ofthe cross 
referenced databases using the tools for spatial analysis con- 
tained within ARC/Info are also made from this module. This 
task is carried out on DEC 5000 workstations assigned to the 
Land Records Department which is also responsible for the 
development of specialized applications and customized re- 
System Administration 
Administration forthe Data Conflation System istheresponsibility 
of the ASD Systems Manager. Administration for the Exception 
Processing and Applications System is the responsibility of the ESA 
Land Records Manager. Upon Authority-wide implementation of 
LISAM, she will be responsible for providing users of the LISAM 
module with periodic updates of the cross-indexed cartographic 
and LRMS databases. 
The ASD Systems Support and Development Department is 
responsible for hardware, and software maintenance. Responsi- 
bility for application software development, currently the job of 
the Geonex LIS Supervisor, will in time be shifted to the the Land 
Records Department Manager. 
Final Products 
This module produces: 
e  Special-burbose maps — As standardized map series are 
produced in the Map Production Module, these have not been 
defined for LISAM. However, special purpose maps at various 
scales will be generated by LISAM on demand to demonstrate 
land ownership demographics and taxation attributes. 
e. Ad hoc queries — Tabular reports of the crossindexed 
databases are produced, taking full advantage ofthe topological 
attributes maintained by ARC/Info. For example, reports can be 
generated listing all parcels within a specified search radius of 
a particular point of interest, or lists may be produced of land 
owners who hold property at elevations below a specified 

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