Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

veral dozens (more than 50) of zonal and 
colour composite images received by the 
systeu "Fragment" for different in nature 
and economy territories of the European 
part of the USSK, as well as for GDK and 
Bulgaria, results of their thematic inter- 
pretation (fragments of more than 100 
maps) and recommendations for visual and 
automatic interpretation are presented in 
the Atlas. 
The Atlas has thematic structure and re- 
veals opportunities and methods for images 
use for the sake of studies and map compi- 
lation of geologic and geomorphologic st- 
ructure of a territory, river deltas, wa- 
ter reservoirs, soil cover, forest vege- 
tation, landscapes, agriculture, antropo- 
genic environmental impact, for solving 
of environmental and social economie mo- 
nitoring problems. Complex studies, con- 
ducted particulary for agricultural pur- 
poses dealing with the idea of agricultu- 
ral landscapes are distinguished specia- 
lly. The two published volumes are widely 
used as scientific-metodics manual for 
multispectral scanner images interpreta- 
tion and their use for the Earth natural 
resourees studies. They are adopted for 
educational purposes in high scool for 
training of specialists in different fi- 
elds of Earth sciences and remote sensing. 
Now the laboratory of air-cosmic methods 
of the department of cartography and geo- 
informatics of the Geographical facuity, 
Moscow University showed the initiative 
to prepare the third volume of this series 
- an atlas "Cosmic methods in geoecology". 
The planned third volume is marked by all- 
directed use of cosmic information for so- 
living of ecological problems using various 
materials and methods for their processing 
and interpretation for these purposes. The 
Atlas will promote space information sup- 
ply of the national programm "Nature con- 
servation", which includes an academic 
biosphere and ecologic investigations pro- 
gramme, as well as the international geo- 
sphere-biosphere programme VGBP. 
The scientific-methodics part of the Atlas 
stipulates revealing of possibilities of 
space information use for antropogenic im- 
pact studies and monitoring, control of 
negative consequences of such impact.They 
are chosen for different natural zones and 
types of land use. Special attential is 
payed to unstable to antropogenic impact 
natural complexed. Technogenic impact on 
soil-vegetation cover on permafrost is 
shown for tundra regions - oil and gas ex- 
traction, oil pipes construction, not ra- 
tional transport use of territories, tra- 
ffic outside roads. Influence of inten- 
sive land use for timber production on 
changes in forest types inevitable without 
sutiable mesures for forests restoration 
are presented for taiga regions. Control 
possibilities of timber felling rules vio- 
lation are shown; results of mass forest 
deseases and pests outbreaks, forests fi- 
res, possibilities of forest restoration 
at ashes and auttings control are shown. 
Development of erosion processes are 
shown for forest-steppe mainly agricultu- 
ral regions as weli as images of linear 
erosion intensity, soil sheet erosion, 
humus losses. Possibility of control fil- 
ling and water quality of small water re- 
servoirs, ponds, waterbasins comprising 
typical characteristics of landscapes ex- 
periencing precipitation deficit in the 
steppe zone are demonstrated, Fossibility 
of control soil deflation, sand storme 
are shown for arid steppe and semidesert 
Pasture digression as the result of exce- 
ssive grazing, formation of spots near 
wells and strips of desertification of 
cattle-routes, soil destruction and defla- 
tion development center the influence of 
overgrazing, transport use of a territory, 
mineral resources exploitation images are 
forseen for desert and semidesert pastu- 
res regions. Processes of secondary soils 
salinization as the result of irrigation 
waters discharge, processes of bogs for- 
mation and salinization under the influ- 
ence of water percolation from irrigation 
canals, desertification of shriveling wa=- 
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