Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Pilar Ruiz-Azuara 
Chief of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, UNAM, MEXICO. 
ISPRS Commission No. VI. 
Some innovative courses (1 undergraduate, 4 graduate) on Image Processing, 
Remote Sensing and GIS are presented. 
research projects dealing with real problems. The different levels of 
integration between Teach and Research are discussed. The mentioned courses 
are optative in the Physics Department Undergraduate & Graduate Programs of 
the Faculty of Sciences (FC) at the Autonomous National University of MEXICO 
(UNAM) from 1984. The new stage of these experiences is being developed from 
1991, in collaboration with the Institute of Astronomy of our University. 
The students become incorporated in 
Key words: Courses, Remote Sensing, Image Processing, GIS, UNAM, MEXICO. 
‚Image processing is a common area of interest for 
many disciplines like: Medicine, Optical & 
Electron Microscopy, Astronomy, Space Physics, 
Remote Sensing, GIS, IR Photomicrography, Normal & 
IR Aerial Photography, Global Change, among 
The courses on Image Processing, Remote Sensing 
and GIS must consider an Interdisciplinary 
approach because the students belong to a 
multidisciplinary set of technical and scientific 
areas (Physics, Biology, Engineering, Geography, 
Computer Sciences, Anthropology, Archeology, 
Geophysics, etc.). 
The group of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory at 
the Faculty of Sciences (UNAM) was developing. 
research on Water Quality with Remote Sensing 
Methods from 1976  (Ruiz-Azuara & Lemus, 1977; 
Ruiz-Azuara & Lemus, 1978; Lemus et al, 1980; 
Ruiz-Azuara et al, 1983; Ruiz-Azuara, 1985a; 
Ruiz-Azuara, 1985b; Aguirre et al, 1989; 
Ruiz-Azuara et al, 1989; Pérez et al, 1989; 
Ruiz-Azuara & Pérez, 1992). 
Some specific undergraduate and graduate courses 
were introduced in the Physics Department of 
the Faculty of Sciences from 1984, in relation 
with these activities. 
The new courses were: 
1. Workshop on Remote Sensing. 
2. Optical Remote Sensing for 
3. Scientific Seminar on Remote Sensing. 
4. Microwave Remote Sensing. 
5. Digital Image Processing. 
The first course was offered to undergraduate 
level. The other four, correspond to the graduate 
In 1991, a new component was incorporated. Our 
group started a collaboration in a very 
ambitious project leaded by Dr. G. 
Köenisberger, actual Director of the 
Institute of Astronomy (UNAM). The 
collaboration of our group in project 
DGAPA-IA  IN-303389 is concerned with courses on 
Digital Image Processing and related fields. With 
this project both sides, the Faculty of 
Sciences and the Institute of Astronomy, get 
It is important, for the astronomers, to receive 
students of Physics interested in Astronomy with a 
solid background on Image Processing. The 
Interdisciplinary Laboratory gets support for its 
infrastructure and fellowships for young people 
interested in the different activities involved. 
In this paper we described the pedagogical 
considerations, the general methodology developed 
and some of the main results that were achieved 
during 18 years, with emphasis in the relation 
between teach & research and the connection with 
real problems. From 1984, mainly the teach and 
research themes were related with natural 
resources (water and vegetation) and urban zones. 
The dynamics of the Image Processing, Remote 
Sensing and GIS courses were based in the 
former experiences with courses on Introduction to 
the Scientific Research. It was introduced by the 
author at the Interdisciplinary Laboratory 
from 1974  (Ruiz-Azuara et al, 1977; 
Ruiz-Azuara et al, 1982). Themes related with 
IR Photography and Remote Sensing  generalities 
were included from 1974. 
The general scheme of those courses is shown in 
the Figure 1. 
The traditional class of theory was converted in a 
Seminar transforming the passive traditional 
student, that usually acts as a receptor only, 
into an active member that is receptor and 
emitter during the class, discussing lessons 
previously prepared. 
The traditional laboratory also modified its 
philosophy letting the student to choose or modify 
the practical activities. It was called Free 
All these actions can be successful if the student 
has the advice of specialized persons. In our case 
they were: the theory and laboratory Professors, 
the Assistant Professors and the Specialist 
External Adviser. 
The traditional exams were substituted by the 
continuous evaluation including: home-works, free 
reports of exercises and laboratory activities, 
discussion of articles from journals, etc. At the 
end of the term, a final paper was submitted to 
the Group Symposium. 

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