Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Training and Educational Aspects of Remote Sensing Image geometry 
G. Koneeny and W. Schuhr 
University of Hannover 
Institute for Photogrammetry 
and Engineering Surveys 
Federal Republic of Germany 
Commission VI 
Washington D.C., USA, 1992 
This paper deals with education and training aspects 
in the field of remote sensing, emphasising image 
The development of suited algorithms for GIS 
systems is still a real market gap. Therefore it is one 
intention of the study of remote sensing, to prepare 
for algorithm development and improvement. 
In an introduction part. a synoptic syllabus for 
Remote sensing is stated. A tutorial sequence of the 
paper summarises the reasons for proper geometric 
corrections of remote sensing imagery. This is 
followed by emphasising the educational value of 
heuristic polynomial equations, to introduce into the 
field of remote sensing image geometry. Finally 
samples for the education in improvement of 
algorithms are stated and it is introduced into training 
aspects of orthophoto generation. For a more 
sophisticated study of this matter, in paper No. 338 
details are given. 
Keywords: Education, GIS/LIS, Remote Sensing, 
Standards, Training 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing , are obligate 
subjects within the course of studies in geodesy on a 
University level at the University of Hannover 
(Germany). According to the syllabus of the 
University of Hannover the basic education in 
Photogrammetry consists of Definitions, 
Dataaquisition, Interpretation and Image 
measurements, Evaluation of Image points, Stereo 
plotting, Handling of Vector data (GIS-input), Image 
Rectification using analogue imagedata and raster 
data, Application of Photogrammetry , Terrestrial 
Photogrammetry and History of Photogrammetry. 
The syllabus for Remote Sensing in particular deals 
with Quantum Physics of Radiation, Basic Matter 
Energy Relationship, Sensors, Platforms and Digital 
Image Processing. The content of the lessons and 
exercises in Digital Image processing are 
Radiometric Corrections, grey level Changes, Filters, 
Classifications and Geometry as a typical course of 
studies at the Institute for Photogrammetry and 
Engineering Surveys in Hannover. 
This course includes Geometric Sensor Models., 
DTM Corrections, the principle of conventional 
aerial Photogrammetry to be modified for mechanical 
Scanners, for optoelectronical Scanners, and for 
radar, etc. 

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