Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Gerhard Lindig',Chairman WG VI-3 
Hans-Peter Báhr?, Co-chairman WG VI-3 
Jörn Sievers!, Co-chairman WG VI-3 
Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie, 
Frankfurt am Main, Germany 
2 Institut fiir Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung, 
Universitat Karlsruhe, Germany 
ISPRS Commission VI 
The concept of the "Multilingual Dictionary for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing" was presented in 1982 
(Mainz) and revised in 1984, 1988 and 1992. The dictionary will comprise of (independent) Glossaries from 
each of the participating (now 16) Language Groups. The Glossaries have to be interrelated by Index- 
Numbers. Since the progress in the participating countries is rather different, the German Language Group 
is going to publish its Glossary as preliminary version including proposed equivalents in English and 
Le concept pour le "Dictionnaire Multilinguel en Photogrammétrie et Télédétection" était présenté en 1982 
(Mainz) et revise en 1984, 1988 et 1992. Le dictionnaire se composera de Glossaires (indépendants) de 
chaque Groupe Linguistique participant (à présent 16). Il faut que les Glossaires soient raccordés par 
Numéros d'Index. Parce que le progrès de travail des pays participants est très différent, le Groupe 
Linguistique Allemand publiera son Glossaire en forme provisoire avec des équivalents en anglais et 
Das Konzept für das "Mehrsprachige Wörterbuch für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung" wurde 1982 (Mainz) 
vorgestellt und 1984, 1988 und 1992 revidiert. Das Wörterbuch wird aus (unabhängigen) Glossaren, die über 
Indexnummern miteinander verbunden werden, von jeder teilnehmenden Sprachengruppe bestehen. Da der Arbeits- 
fortschritt in den teilnehmenden Ländern sehr verschieden ist, wird die Deutsche Sprachengruppe ihr Glossar 
als vorläufige Ausgabe mit englischen und französischen Aquivalenten veröffentlichen. 
KEY WORDS: Terminology, Dictionary, Multilingual. 
1. INTRODUCTION colleague agreed to cooperate as Chief Editors for 
their Language Groups. 
"Multilingual Dictionary for Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing" as the complete title is (for daily In 1984 the American Society of Photogrammetry 
use abbreviated to "ISPRS-Dictionary") shall be published its "ASP-Dictionary" (Rabchevsky, 1984) 
presented again by this report. with 1700 Terms and Definitions in English basing 
on Wolf's paper (Wolf, 1980). It includes not very 
It covers the period after the ISPRS Congress 1988 satisfying Equivalents in French, German, Italian, 
in Kyoto and must be seen in connection with the WG Portuguese, Spanish and Russian. In 1985 ASP was so 
Report (Lindig, 1982) submitted to the 1982 Sympo- kind as to present one copy of its Dictionary to 
sium of Comm. VI in Mainz outlining the "Basic each of the existing Language Groups. 
Concept", and together with WG Reports (Lindig, 
1984 and 1988) presented to the Congresses in Rio At the Symposia in Badagry 1986 and Rhodos 1990 the 
de Janeiro and Kyoto updating these reports accord- Chairman of WG VI-3 gave an oral report about the 
ing to experiences gained with the current work. state of the ISPRS-Dictionary. 
2. STATUS OF WORK 2.2 Present membership of WG VI-3 
2.1 History 1980-1992 At the Symposium in Mainz 11 Language Groups (LG) 
could spontaneously be created, increasing to 16 
At the 1980 Congress in Hamburg Wolf (1980) until 1986, as shows Annex 1. Nearly all major 
published a preliminary glossary of about 1200 languages are represented, spoken each by more 
English Terms (Entries and Definitions) for which than 50 million people. Excepted are unfortunately 
he asked for translation into French and German Italian, Indonesian and Korean, which are cordially 
reducing it so to a "Trilingual Dictionary". At the invited to join the WG activities. 
1982 Mainz Symposium the new chairman of WG VI-3 
was nominated and his preliminary concept of a It seemed advisable to subdivide the LGs according 
Multilingual Dictionary extensible at any time was to its status of ISPRS, activities, population 
accepted (Lindig, 1982). An English and a French represented, etc. into three categories: 

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