Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

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To MWSOGOV de de | UV?) Ll (DDN 
Language Group still to be added by own Definitions 
and Equivalents. A Source-Code (3 digits) which is 
now shown on- the German-Entry-List only made the 
references easier during compilation and correction 
4.2 Members of LG-team 
From Austria, Germany and Switzerland 25 experts in 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing or specialists in 
any Subfield working at universities, governmentals 
offices and private companies contributed their 
professional knowledge to the dictionary. An Advi- 
sor-Code (2 digits) is added to the abovementioned 
4,3 Subfields 
At the beginning of Dictionary-work 28 Subfields 
were created in order to split the efforts of the 
experts. (Lindig, 1988, Annex 3). Due to unavoid- 
able overlappings it seemed to be advisable to 
reduce the Subfields to 11, included as "Domaines" 
(Sachgebiete) in the published Glossary. 
4.4 Special characters 
The German orthography has four special characters 
which are normally not on foreign tpye writers. In 
the abovementioned Entry-List (Volume 3) they are 
replaced as follows: 
à = ae, 0 » oe, ü = ue, B = ss. 
But in the Glossary the correct German characters 
are used as well as the numerous French ones. If 
data exchange via floppy-disk is intended precau- 
tion must be provided to handle these characters by 
the relevant computer. 
4.5 Cross-References 
Contrary to other dictionaries no symbols were used 
but only words which are understandable at any 
time. If it seemed necessary to include a term as 
Cross-Reference which cannot be found as Entry in 
the Glossary, it was put in parantheses (). 
veraltet: = The term (mostly synonym but not 
(obsolete) related to a technical method) is 
not used any more 
besser: - Preference term of synonyms with 
(better) Definitions and Equivalents 
auch: - Other synonyms without Definitions 
(also) and Equivalents 
siehe: - This Cross-Reference has various 
(see) functions: 
- to superior term including re- 
ferenced term in its definition, 
- to abbreviation (abb), 
- in case of abbreviation to the 
"long form", 
- between noun (with definition), 
verb and adjective 
vergl: - To side - or subordinated terms 
(compare) but also to contrary terms se- 
parated by ";" 
/ - Behind terms in definitions which 
can be found as Entry in the Ger- 
man Glossary 
4.6 Abbreviations 
(Abk) - The Entry is an abbreviation. Its 
(abb) "long-form" with definitions shows 
"siehe (see)". 
1, (1), 2 ... = Numbers for various homonyms 
E? und F? - Preliminary English and French 
Equivalents as proposed by German 
Advisors (with "?" if not confirmed 
by a mother-tongue -expert). 
D, E,F,C,G6 ,;l ,J,R,S ,Ar, Be, Bg, Hi, Pt, 
Th, :P1, Ma = Language-symbols for the Language 
Groups (Annex 1) according to 
(A), (CH), (D), (DDR) 
= Indication for a term used in 
Austria, Switzerland, Germany 
and former German Democratic 
(DIN) = Formulation of definition 
according to German Standards. 
4.7 Editorial 
Between 1982 and 1992 ISPRS Working Group VI-3 
"Terminology" was chaired by G. Lindig, Frankfurt 
am Main and partly co-chaired by H.-P. Bähr, Karls- 
ruhe and J. Sievers, Frankfurt am Main. Compilation 
of the German part of the ISPRS-Dictionary was only 
possible with the essential support of the Institut 
für Angewandte Geodäsie (IFAG), Frankfut am Main. 
The German Dictionary will be printed and published 
by IFAG as "Deutsches Fachwörterbuch 
Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung". 
Lindig, G.: Multilingual Dictionary for Photogram- 
metry and Remote Sensing. Int. Archive 
of Photogrammetry 24-VI, 
pp. 98-108, Mainz 1982 
Lindig, G.: Status of Multilingual Dictionary 
(ISPRS) Int. Archive of Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing 25-AG, pp. 199-208, 
Rio de Janeiro 1984 
Lindig, G.: Status 1987 of ISPRS Dictionary, Int. 
Archive of Photogrammetry and Remote 
Sensing, 27-BG, pp. 98-107, Kyoto 1988 
Rabchevsky, G.: Multilingual Dictionary of Re- 
mote Sensing and Photogrammetry, 
The American Society of Photogram- 
metry, Falls Church, Virginia 1984 
Wolf, P.R.: Tri-lingual Glossary of Photogrammetry 
Terms, Int. Archive of Photogrammetry 
23-B10, pp. 199-311, Hamburg 1980 

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