Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

As time goes by and the word acquires more status 
(more and more people use.it) the convenience of 
defining clearly its semantic range makes itself felt. 
Scientists and technicians approach this problem in 
different ways. 
a. Some give a concise and clear definition: 
»Die Geomorphologie untersucht die Oberfláchenfor- 
men der Erde, das Relief, studiert und analysiert 
Prozesse, die zur Ausformung des Reliefs geführt 
haben bzw. es derzeit überformen und versucht eine 
zeitliche Einstufung des realen Reliefs und seiner 
F. Wieneke (ZPF 2/91) 
b. Some, clarify concepts which, in spite of being 
erroneous, have been generally accepted: 
»91 bien la designación imagen digital parece un 
contrasentido desde el punto de vista linguistico, 
su uso se ha generalizado en lugar de imagen 
digitalizada que seria una expresión más correcta. 
H.-P. B&hr, 1991 
c. Some just give some synonym to guide the reader 
and avoid confusions: 
»... Ssimulierte Buttons oder Schalter ...* 
M. Gross (ZPF 5/91) 
d. or they give incomplete definitions which merely 
serve the purpose of the moment: 
»... Aliasingeffect (Falschberechnung der Farbvalenz 
M. Gross (ZPF 5/91) 
»... Lacken (Lóffler) — salzhaltiger Flachsee ... * 
Csaplovics and Senftner (ZPF 2/91) 
At this point of evolution, a word can be considered 
to have attained maturity and with it the right to 
appear as an entry in our technical dictionaries and 
glossaries. Its meaning becomes fixed and so does 
its spelling as well as its grammatical, phonetic and 
syntactical features. 
3 The Translation of Tech- 
nical-Scientific Words and 
So far the history of created words but what happens 
when a word or an expression is to be translated into 
another language? Who translates in the first place? 
Sometimes a professional translator is appointed; 
sometimes scientists and technicians attempt the job 
themselves. It should be borne in mind, however, that 
to fulfill the task satisfactorily a thorough knowledge 
of the subject is not enough: some linguistic criteria 
are also welcome. 
A foreign language is the expression of another 
cultural environment. It segments reality in a 
different way and conveys meaning through a set 
of conventions and rules which are not necessarily 
similar to those we have internalized with our own 
cultural patterns. Thus, we may force meaning upon 
certain descriptions of events because of the difficulty 
of standing aside from our mother tongue which is 
a habit and a cultural non-est-disputandum (Whorf, 
If we translate 
GIS as „Geographisches Informationssystem“ (Ger- 
man) or „Sistema de Informaciön geogräfica“ (Spa- 
nish) readers will be mislead because what is meant 
by „geographisch“ in the German language covers a 
different semantic range than „geogräfico“ in Spanish. 
Perhaps „Geoinformationssystem“ and „Sistema de 
Geoinformaciön“ would bring both concepts closer to 
the original. 
Without some linguistic knowledge we are unable 
to see the foreign language objectively and are thus 
liable to be influenced by language habits of which we 
are not even conscious due to an unavoidable pattern 
of habitual thought. 
A furniture advertisement in a large store in 
Karlsruhe (Germany) offered ,,Bad Design“ referring 
to bathroom arrangements. 
On the other hand, a translator without thorough 
knowledge of the subject he is translating produces 
his own layman's interpretation of the original text 
and translates it cloaking concepts in words furnished 
by dictionaries, which are not always capable of 
providing him with the correct lexical item. Thus 
he may miss the point generating confusion and/or 
hardware - mercaderia dura (Spanish) instead of using 
the same word or the technical equivalent ,soporte 
scoria - cagafierro (Spanish) which is the ob- 
solete synonym for „escoria“and sounds absolutely 
Sometimes words are given different translations and 
these different versions coexist as synonyms during 
a certain time until one of them attains supremacy

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