Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

to read more. The challenge is to structure the 
photo interpretation knowledge in a way that 
supports the mental models that students may 
create when they use the photointerpretation 
hypermedia system. 
Progress in representing photointerpretation 
knowledge in hypermedia and knowledge 
bases will be parallel to progress made in 
many closely related scientific and technical 
fields such as knowledge-based spatial data 
handling systems, distributed knowledge- 
based interactive blackboards, fuzzy 
computer system architectures, parallel 
computer system architectures, graphic user 
interfaces, visualization, 3-D graphics, and 
natural languages. 
Argialas, D., Lyon, J. and Mintzer, O. 
1988. Quantitative Description and 
Classification of Eight Drainage Pattern 
Types. Photogrammetric Engineering and 
Remote Sensing, American Society of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 
54, No. 4, April, pp. 505-509. 
Argialas, D. 1989. A Frame-based Approach 
to Modeling Terrain Analysis Knowledge. 
Technical Paper, Annual Convention of 
American Society for Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing, Vol 3, pp. 311-319, April 2- 
7, 1989, Baltimore, Maryland. 
Argialas, D. and Narasimhan, R. 1988a. 
TAX: A Prototype Expert System for Terrain 
Analysis. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 
American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 1, 
No. 3, July, pp. 151-170. 
Argialas, D. and Narasimhan, R. 1988b. A 
Production System Model for Terrain 
Analysis Knowledge Representation. 
Microcomputers in Civil Engineering, 
Elsevier Science Pub. Co., Vol. 3, No. |, 
June, pp. 55-73. 
Argialas, D., and C. Harlow, 1990. 
Computational Image Interpretation Models: 
An Overview and a Perspective, 
Photogrammetric engineering and Remote 
Sensing, Vol. 56, No 6, June, pp. 871-886. 
Bielawski, L. and R. Lewand, 1990. 
Intelligent System Design, John Wiley & 
Sons, Inc., New York. 
Goodman, D., 1987. The Complete 
HyperCard Handbook, Bantam Books, New 
HyperCard Stack Design Guidelines, 1989. 
Apple Computer, Inc., Addison-Wesley 
Publishing Company, Reading, 
Narasimhan, R. and Argialas, D. 1989. 
Computational Approaches for Handling 
Uncertainties in Terrain Analysis. Technical 
Paper, Annual Convention of American 
Society for Photogrammetry and Remote 
Sensing, Vol 3, pp. 302-310, April 2-7, 
1989, Baltimore, Maryland. 
Nielsen, J., 1990. Hypertext and 
Hypermedia, Academic Press, New York. 
Parsaye, K., M. Chignell, Khoshafian, and 
H. Wong. 1989. Intelligent Databases: Object- 
Oriented, Deductive, Hypermedia 
Technologies. John Wiley and Sons, New 
Rosenthal, S., 1990. A Multimedia 
Glossary. PC Magazine, July 1990, pp. 158- 
139. : 
Ryerson, R., 1989. Image Interpretation 
Concerns for the 1990s and Lessons from the 
Past. Photogrammetric Engineering and 
Remote Sensing, Vol. 55, No 10, October 
1989, pp. 1427-1430. 
Shafer, D., 1990. Multimedia and Expert 
Systems?, AI Expert, July/August 1990, p. 
Shneiderman, B., and G. Kearsley, 1989. 
Hypertext Hands-On! An Introduction to a 
New Way of Organizing and Accessing 
Information. Addison-Wesley Publishing 
Company, Reading, Massachusetts. 
Veljkov, M., 1990. Managing Multimedia. 
BYTE, August 1990, pp.227-232. 

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