Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Blue Green Red 
40 r1 
Percent of Reflectance 
Dead Vegetat 
30 + geta ien ee CS 
Healthy Vegetation 
ae 2er 
0.4 0.5 0.6: 0.7 0.8 dH 1.1 
Wavelength (Micrometers) 
Fig.3 Typical Characteristics of Spectral Reflectance 
of TM band 3, 4 brightness values are used 
for this training. Calculated index is 
called Normarized Difference (Vegetation) 
Index (i.e. NVI or NDi). 
(e) Density Slicing 
The density slicing is one of the 
basic techniques for an image enhancement. 
Density slicing is the conversion of the 
continuous tone of digital image data to 
some classes. Every interval of each class 
corresponds to the specific brightness 
value range. Used personal computer system 
has basically only 8 colors for displaying 
on CRT monitor. By mentioned density 
slicing and histogram measurement for NVI 
data, basic concept of NVI and contrast 
stretch can be understood. 
3.2 Basic Principles of 
Geographic Information System 
Geographic information system (GIS) 
is a term that is to store the geographi- 
cally distributed informations in XY 
coordinate system, retrieval and analysis 
of these informations using computer 
system. It also contains database, the 
hardware and software, retrieving, analyz- 
ing, and displaying. 
(a) Data Structure 
The geographic location data that are 
acquired by a digitizer is classified to 
following three kinds of data feature 
types; (1)Point, (2)Line, (3)Polygon. 
Every location data also has an 
attribute information for its explanation 
such as one's name. The point type data is 
a single point location data and expressed 
by xy coordinate. The line type data is 
the link of points data and its data 
consists of same structure as point type 
data. The polygon type data is almost same 
as the line type data. But this kind of 
data constitutes one closed loop. Data 
structure is the same as line type data. 
Fig.4 shows the point, line and polygon 
type data structures. It is important to 
manage the point feature because point 
data is the basic for all kinds of data 
(b) Vector and Raster Data Type 
Generally, the data type of GIS data 
is classified to two kinds of data model. 
One is the vector data model and other is 
the raster data model. 
Typical raster data is a digital 
image data such as remote sensing data. In 
the raster data model, one homogeneous 
unit is expressed by cells (pixels) that 
consists of grid-cells on the ground. 
Actual grid-cell creates a matrix that is 
superimposed on the earth surface. And 
within this systematic array of grid-cell, 
the attribute data is collected in order 
to produce raster type data. 
The vector data model provides a more 
compact data structure than the raster 
model. But data structure is more complex 
than the raster type. Both manipulation 
and enhancement of digital images can not 
be effective for the vector domain. 
> Point XY 
» Line XY Xs c» XSYà 
ly Polygon X1,Y1,X9,Yg, Xg, Yg, X4, Y4 
Fig.4 GIS Data Structure 
(c) Geometric Manipulation 
The original satellite image coordi- 
nate can not be overlapped on XY coordi- 
nate system of the map. However remote 
sensing data can be projected on some map 
coordinate using the relationship between 
image data coordinate and map coordinate. 
GIS data has a capability to change 
scale, change map projection, remove, 
distortion and execute coordinate rotation 
and translation depend on its necessity. 
Fig.5 shows the processes are called 
fundamentals of geometric manipulation. 
4. Application Training 
In this training, each practice is 
basic techniques for remote sensing and 
geographic information system. However all 
practices could be constructed one train- 
ing course. 
The analysis area of this application 
training is Hachioji. In this area, re-

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