Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

2.3 Training concept for Zeiss products 
The learning functions integrated into the system support the 
everyday work and production process on the system. In the initial 
stage, however, it is absolutely essential that the relevant knowledge 
be conveyed to the user by systems experts. Such training held in 
the form of a dialog, including practical exercises and supported by 
suitable documentation, is and will remain the most effective and 
economic way of ensuring a smooth production start-up. Considering 
the predominance of operation costs in the overall system ex- 
penditure, any attempt to economize in the necessary training must 
be regarded as short-sighted. 
The training content is based on the four above-mentioned levels. 
The following types of training are provided: 
* standard courses at Carl Zeiss providing basic knowledge 
on system operation, system management and programming, 
* individual training at Carl Zeiss in fields of special interest, 
* on-site training, taking into account the user's special work 
2.4 Implementation of the training concept 
The implementation of the training concept is dependent on the 
software product involved. For PHOCUS, for example, the central 
information system for photogrammetry, cartography and land in- 
formation from Carl Zeiss, the training program is structured as 
e Basic course: 
Subject: learning the work sequences in a standard 
work environment, basic system manage- 
ment functions. 
Duration: 5 days (standard) 
Requirement: basic knowledge of photogrammetry/carto- 
graphy and EDP. 
* Follow-up course: 
Subject: creation of new work environments, 
optimum use of system management tools 
Duration: 4 days (standard) 
Requirement: | PHOCUS knowledge of the basic course, 
basic knowledge of the operating system 
* Programming course: 
Subject: generation of user-specific program modules in 
the PHOCUS environment and communication 
with external systems via PHOCUS interfaces 
Duration: 5 days (standard) 
Requirement: |. PHOCUS knowledge of the follow-up course, 
basic knowledge of the operating system, 
experience in programming (Fortran) 
It is recommended that these courses be spread over a certain 
period of time, and that extensive courses be completed in two 
separate sections. Several months of experience with PHOCUS will 
be useful for the programming course. 
The training concept for PHODIS has a similar structure as that for 
In the field of PC software, the training offered by Zeiss is con- 
centrated on the photogrammetric use of the systems 
* Course for operators (Planicomp/PC): 
Subject: learning the photogrammetric work sequences, 
data acquisition functions in a CAD/GIS system 
Duration: 4 days 
Requirement: basic knowledge of photogrammetry and CAD/ 
* Special training 
The training in special applications such as aerotriangulation, 
DEM computation, orthoprojection or photoflight management is 
usually held on an individual basis in Oberkochen or on site on 
the customer's premises. Since the level of previous knowledge 
varies widely from one user to another, careful preparation and 
course planning are essential here. 
2.5 Training for partner software 
Photogrammetry and cartography are increasingly being incor- 
porated into LIS and GIS systems. A high degree of flexibility in 
production is demanded of the service companies in the field of 
mapping. To meet both of these requirements, software packages 
from different manufacturers must be used and mastered side by 
Side. Examples of close connections between Zeiss and partner 
softwares are: 
* the combination of a data base for geometric data with a data 
base system for attributes, e.g. PHOCUS and the relational data 
base ORACLE or 
* the integration of an analytical plotter into a CAD or GIS system, 
e.g. P3 Planicomp into MicroStation PC. 
Moreover, the operation of complex computer networks calls for 
detailed knowledge of the operating system and networking software. 
In such cases, especially if the partner software is intensively used, 
we recommend that users make direct use of the proficiency, training 
facilities and support capabilities of the partners involved. 
2.6 Further training and support 
Due to the dramatic development in the field of EDP and software, 
continuous updating of knowledge and skills is of vital importance. 
For new software modules and new revisions, Zeiss offers further 
training and individual support by applications and systems 
specialists. The following is available: 
* Telephone backup as part of the software update service 
* Personal on-site support in application and system problems 
to extend the user's knowledge and optimize operational 
* Update courses on new revisions 
* User meetings for the exchange of information and experience 
* Programming support for the development of programs by the 
The objective of each of these measures is the independent and 
proficient handling of the system by the user. In addition, adequate 
further training is of vital importance for staff motivation. 
As pointed out at the beginning, the training concept of Carl Zeiss 
concentrates on the efficient conveyance of practice-oriented 
knowledge of the system. 
Training in theoretical fundamentals such as basic knowledge of data 
processing and GIS techniques or metrological skills is not the duty 
of a system manufacturer. It is and will remain the domain and 
responsibility of institutions established for this purpose: universities, 
colleges, schools for operators, further training organizations and 
courses, etc. These institutions create the basis on which specialist 
knowledge of the systems can be nurtured. The success of this joint 
task of teaching institutions and industry will lay a sound foundation 
for the bright professional future of photogrammetrists and surveying 

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