Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Editor, Professor John Trinder, but this does 
increase the chances of the reports being unbiased 
and therefore more useful for the reader. USA, 
Germany and UK have provided about 45% of the 
reporters during this period. 
The Review Section has not been so successful 
over this period, with only 16 reviews published. 
There have been several changes in the Review 
Section Editor due to illness and change of 
employment but with a new Review Section Editor in 
post it is hoped that this section will flourish in 
the near future. 
The News Section has carried nearly 600 
separate items during this period. 
Turning now to our subscribers, it must be 
stressed that this is primarily a matter for the 
Publisher. ISPRS, through the Journal Editorial 
Team with advice from Council, control the content 
of the Journal; Elsevier Science Publishers, the 
owner of the title, take care of all business 
matters relating to the Journal, including 
publicity and subscriptions. From the latest 
figures available, the geographical distribution of 
the Journal subscribers is as follows: 
Europe 42% 
North America 32 
Asia 14 
Oceania 7 
Africa 3 
South America 2 
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Australia India Italy 
By far the largest subscriber base is in the 
United States (264), with Australia, Canada, 
Germany, Netherlands and United Kingdom each with 
approximately = 6%. As a large percentage of 
subscriptions are taken by libraries and private 
and government mapping organisations, these figures 
are not surprising. 
What is surprising, and also disappointing, is 
the number of ISPRS member countries where there 
are no subscribers to what is the Ofiicial Journal 
of the Society — a matter which needs attention. 
It is also surprising that in spite of the many 
improvements in the Journal over recent years the 
total number of subscribers has remained stable. 
It is interesting to note that there is 
correlation between the continental distribution of 
subscribers and contributors in that the order is 
the same in both tables. However, on a national 
basis, the correlation is not so strong and there 
are some interesting anomalies. In the case of 
Canada, France, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland, 
the percentage figure for contributions exceeds by 
some margin the percentage figure for subscribers 
(Figure 2). On the other hand, in Australia, 
India, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom and 
(especially) the United States, the percentage 
figures for subscribers exceeds those for 
contributions (Figure 1). 
The Journal is about to enter a new phase in 
its development. ISPRS Council has recently 
Figure 1. Percentage Subscribers greater 
than percentage Contributions 
al Subscriptions (%age of total) 
Contributions (%age of total) 
Sueden 981 
Canada France Germany 
Figure 2. Percentage Contributors greater 
than percentage Subscribers 

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