Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

A separate short contribution written by Dr. J. Pietschner is devoted to the activities within the former German Democratic 
Republic until the unification in 1990. Since then, due to the so-called process of "unwinding" within the former GDR, several 
transformations, fusions and new formations of scientific institutions - besides many liquidations - have taken place, that are of 
significance to photogrammetry and remote sensing. Due to the unification, Germany also has taken the responsibility for 
Commission II that had been given to the GDR during the previous ISPRS-Congress 1988 in Kyoto (Commission President Prof. 
Dr. K. Szangolies). 
Presently, photogrammetry in its classical sense undergoes a structural change caused by rapid technological advancements. The 
tendency towards full digitization requires a departure from the purely geometrical-analytical way of thinking to image 
understanding and computer vision. As the comparatively young field of remote sensing is realizing the necessity of geometric 
aspects for the spatial correspondence of geo-coded information, the symbiosis between photogrammetry and remote sensing 
becomes more and more obvious. This and the progressing computerization have fundamental implications on education. 
The limited space allotted to the report has made it particularly hard for the correspondents to represent the standard of performance 
by continously adhering to the criteria of completeness and objectivity. It is however essential that the most relevant activities come 
out. May the report find benevolent acceptance at the ISPRS-Congress 1992 in Washington D.C. and contribute to mutual 
information within our professional community during the International Space Year and the 500th Anniversary of the Discovery of 
America by Columbus. 
(Doz. Dr. J. Pietschner) (Dipl.-Ing. H.-J. Birkner) 
1. Introduction 1. Introduction 
Due to the political development in Germany the Society for From 1988 to 1992 the development towards digital 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in the GDR with its photogrammetry went on. This development was accelerated 
working groups (aerial photogrammetry, interpretation of by the very fast progress of computer technology, 
remote sensing data, industrial photogrammetry) only existed microelectronics and space technologies. Approximatly 50% 
until the end of 1990 with the orientation to all members to of all photogrammetric evaluation is done with support of 
continue membership in the German Society for computers, in 1980 this were only 20%. This tendency is 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sening (DGPF). expected to go on and lead in the near future to a 100% digital 
photogrammetry. There are more than twenty digital 
2. Applications photogrammetric systems (DPS) already available today. This 
In the period from 1988 to 1990 the situation in Eastern fact confirms the trend to softcopy photogrammetry. The 
Germany was characterized by centralized enterprises for requirements on the hardware for DPS are provided by the 
aerial photography, photogrammetric map production, data state of microelectronics and computer technology. The further 
collection in open casts, elaboration of case studies for development and introduction in practice of the DPS will 
application of remote sensing, non-topographic applications of mainly be determined by the progress in software 
photogrammetry in architecture and civil engineering. development. This was also shown by the 43th 
Publications for these topics are Schöler (1989/90) and Photogrammetric Week at Stuttgart (PhoWo, 1991), where 
Regensburger (1990). As far as photogrammetric instruments almost no new instruments could be seen, but further 
are concerned, the digital components were not up to date. For developments of the main themes: digital photogrammetry, 
this reason digital maps and GIS were not in the operational GIS and GPS. The importance of the connection DPS/GIS 
phase during this time. could also be seen on the EARSeL workshop on "Relationship 
of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems" at 
3. Organization Hannover (1991). 
After having taken over the responsibility for Commission II, 
ISPRS, in 1988 the main activity of the society in the GDR 2. Development of Photogrammetry 
was to prepare an International Symposium on "Progress in The development of photogrammetry is marked by the trend 
Data Processing and Analysis", which was held in Dresden towards DPS. In the hardware development two directions are 
(KDT/GPF, 1990). recognized: 
1. The use of special components, e.g. transputer networks, 
with the advantage of a better performance, especially a 
COMMISSION I higher processing speed. 
(Prof. Dr.-Ing. H.-P. Bihr) 2. The use of standard processor systems. The advantage of 
this direction can be found in a better portability of the 
Comment software and easier adaption to future developments. 
Within the German Society for Photogrammetry and Remote The software development aims at completely automatic 
Sensing the question was raised, whether English should be evaluation, which, up to now, could only be realized for the 
used instead of German for the reports. In Commission I a production of orthophotos. For aerotriangulation the time- 
compromise is suggested by presenting the text partly in consuming point measurement and transposition of points can 
English and in German. Consequently, there is no translation be done fully automated today. In experimental investigations 
in a strict sense. The special quality of technical reports, subpixel accuracy (0.5 pixel) could be reached. For these 
characterised by many names as well as by words of Latin or procedures and the fully automatic measurement of digital 
Greek origin facilitates access to the "foreign" language: terrain models often are interest operators used for point 
Technical German is not as complicated as many colleagues identification and image pyramids for realization of 
from foreign countries may expect. approximation points. 

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