Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Parodi, G., Zunino, R. 1990. Noise insensitivity of an 
associative image classification scheme. Proceedings of the 
first ISPRS/IEEE international workshop on Robust 
Computer Vision. University of Washington, Seattle. 
Parodi, G., Zunino, R., 1992. Robust associative image 
classification. In: Forstner W., Ruwiedel, S., (Eds). Robust 
computer vision, quality of vision algorithms. Wichmann 
Verlag, Karlsruhe. 
Prati, C., Rocca, F. 1990. Limits to the resolution of 
elevation maps from stereo SAR images. International 
Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 11, no. 12, pp. 2215-2235. 
Rocca, F., Prati, C., 1992. Innovative applications of 
repeated satellite SAR surveys. Proceedings of the 
International Space Year Conference, held in Munich 30-3- 
1992 - 4-4-1992. ESA publication. 
Sacerdote, F., Sansó, F., 1992. On a rigorous continuous 
model for digital photogrammetry. In: Proceedings of the 
ISPRS Intercommission Working Group III/VI Tutorial on 
Mathematical Aspects of Data Analysis, held in Milan, 7 
May 1991. Politecnico di Milano - DIIAR. 
Sandini, G., Tistarelli, M., 1990. Robust obstacle detection 
using optical flow. Proceedings of the first ISPRS/IEEE 
international workshop on Robust Computer Vision. 
University of Washington, Seattle. 
Straforini, M., Coelho, C., Campani, M., Torre, V. 1990. 
Using geometrical rules and a priori knowledge for the 
understanding of indoor scenes. Proceedings of the first 
ISPRS/IEEE international workshop on Robust Computer 
Vision. University of Washington, Seattle. 
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