Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

2 Mapping of vegetation and land-use on the basis of 
SPOT and LANDSAT multispectral and multitemporal 
data sets. 
3 Development of a correlation-based algorithm for 
extraction of elevation information from stereo pairs of 
panchromatic, digital SPOT images. 
4 Use of expert systems for urban land use classification 
on the basis of SPOT/LANDSAT. 
5 Development of a software package, CHIPS, for PC- 
based satellite image processing. 
Project activities are ongoing in Greenland, Denmark, Portugal, 
Senegal, Burkina Faso, Niger, Ghana and Tanzania. 
GIS application 
Major projects have focused on estimation of sediment load in 
coastal areas and river basins, land evaluations, change 
detection of agricultural systems and studies of urban growth. 
Until 1990 the institute used self made software designed for 
individual projects, but in 1990 the institute procured the PC 
Arc/Info GIS for future research and training of students. 
Raster-based systems such as OSU-Map-for-the-PC and IDRISI 
are used in spatial analyses especially when it comes to 
integration of digital satellite images and GIS. 
The institute has been responsible for establishing facilities for 
satellite image processing and GIS at three African institutions 
as part of partnership arrangements. 
Courses offered 
Educational activities include introductory courses in Remote 
sensing and digital image processing and GIS as well as 
advanced courses within specific application fields, supervision 
of MSc and PhD students and training of scientists from other 
Thomas Balstróm and Kjeld Rasmussen 
The Danish Society for Photogrammetry and Surveying, DSFL, 
represents Denmark in the ISPRS. 
The society has in its statutes that it works with photogramme- 
try, remote sensing mapping aspects and land surveying. 
During the later years many activities have of course to do 
with digital mapping and GIS. 
The society has now approximately 450 members, covering a 
wide range of professionals and institutions. 
The activities are in different fields. We arrange 10 to 15 
evening lectures a year, usually attended by 40 to 100 
members. We arrange one day seminars every 2 to 3 years, and 
cooperate with other organizations like AM/FM for other 
An important activity is our work on the "Standard Format for 
Exchange of Digital Map Data", the "DSFL Format". New edi- 
tions are appearing approximately every second year, now also 
giving possibilities of exchange for other types of information 
than the map itself. Just now we work on a format for 
exchange of the public registers (buildings, real estate and 
similar). DSFL has representatives in working groups on 
European exchange formats. 
The society also sends representatives to working groups of 
other organizations. This spring a revision of the Specification 
for digital maps to the municipalities is taking place. This 
concerns production, content and accuracy of these technical 
maps. In the new version it is tried to make it possible to 
produce topologically better maps (clean geometry) than the 
existing spaghetti types. There was some opposition from as 
well producers as users, because many smaller systems are not 
able to handle these things, and because of threats of rising 
prices. It was only possible to include these improvements as 
an optional delivery. 
Dansk Selskab for Fotogrammetri og Landmáling, DSFL, 
(ISPRS), Fibigerstræde 11, DK 9220 Aalborg Ost 
Government Institution 
Kort- og matrikelstyrelsen, Rentemestervej 8, 
DK 2400 Copenhagen NV 
Photogrammetric companies 
Infokort, Frgslevvej 34, DK 2610 Rgdovre 
Jysk Digital Kort Center, Burvej 1, Idom, DK 7500 Holstebro 
Kampsax Geoplan, Stamholmen 112, DK 2650 Hvidovre 
Landinspektgrernes Luftfotoopmáling, LLO, Selsmosevej 2, 
DK 2630 Tästrup 
Scankort, Kirkevej 8, DK 2630 Tästrup 
Education and research 
Elektromagnetisk Institut, Bygning 349 
Danmarks Tekniske Hgjskole, DK 2800 Lyngby 
Geografisk Centralinstitut, Kgbenhavns Universitet, 
@ster Voldgade 10, DK 1350 Copenhagen K 
Instituttet for Landmâling og Fotogrammetri, Danmarks Tek- 
niske Hgjskole, Landmálervej 7, DK 2800 Lyngby 
Laboratoriet for Fotogrammetri og Landmáling, Aalborg Uni- 
versitetscenter, Fibigerstrede 11, DK 9220 Aalborg st 
Sister societies 
Dansk Kartografisk Selskab (ICA), KMS, Rentemestervej 8, 
DK 2400 Copenhagen NV 
Dansk Selskab for Telemáling (Remote Sensing), 
Elektromagnetisk Institut, Bygning 349, DTH, 2800 Lyngby 
Den Danske Landinspektgrforening (FIG), Lindevangs Allé 4, 
DK 2000 Frederiksberg C

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