Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B1)

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Fig. 7. Thermogram and vision image of the underground 
fuel tanks. Z1,22,Z3-tanks underground, N-area without 
plants cover, T-grass cover. 
2.3. The region of the railway ramp 
A wide temperature temperature range from 19,4 to 30,1 
is characteristic for the whole area together with the terra- 
in elements. The region of the railway ramp is very rich 
with technical infrastructure (warehouses, fuel tanks, 
drafts of furnace fuel and railway siding with standing ci- 
stern). Surface tanks used for petroleum products are 
characterized by lower temperature (20,2 - 21,8°C) be- 
cause small quantities of fuel are stored in them or there 
is a lack of it. Higher temperature is typical for the harde- 
ned road surface because they contain oil derivatives 
substances. The zone of railway cisterns and the area of 
fuel outlet are considered as the sore point of the analy- 
sed area. There were 7 cisterns with fuel during the air 
registration of the thermograms. 
Fig. 8. Thermogram and vision image of the railway 
ramp.D-trees, N-area without plants cover, DR-non- 
hardened roads, DU-hardened roads, 
T-grass cover, SO-store of fernace fuel, K-rail ways, SK- 
cistern carriages, ZA, ZB, ZC, ZD-tanks surface, F-front 
outlet of fuels, B4-oil ware-house, B5-central pump, B6- 
railway depot. 
The temperatures of these cisterns reached 27,9°C. The 
zone of the outlet front reached the highest temperatures 
which proves the presence of fuel inside it. It is clarly in- 
dicated by colours typical for the highest thermograms 
(28,6 - 29,3°C). The area of railway ramp where the fuel 
is reloaded, due to its systematic utilizations, is exposed 
to fuel leakage from cistern and pipeline valves into soil - 
It was proved by KVA sounding of the second serie at 
the depth from 1m to 1,64m presented in table 1. 
Tabel 1. 
Results of KVA sounding 
Sounding | Depth of | Type of detec | Hydrocarbon 
number sounding 4 “tortube | 6 
| (ml | | [ppm] 
S5 | 7 1.0 | Kitagawa*/ F5 242 
1.0 Dräger**/ 180 
S6 1.64 Kitagawa > 1400 
1.40 Dräger 22500 
S7 1.70 Kitagawa « 50 
S8 1.70 Kitagawa « 50 
*/ Kitagawa - General Hydrocarbon Detector Tube (50 - 
1400 ppm) 
***/ Dráger - Petroleum Hydrocarbons 100/a n-octan 
(100 - 2500 ppm) 
2.4. Municipal wastes damp 
There is a great danger of spontaneous ignition or fires to 
people who work on large waste damps. The wastes sto- 
red on large areas are the mixture of organic and non- 
organic materials which decompose into methan, carbon 
dioxide and others during physico- chemical and biologi- 
cal processes. About 91% of methan originates from ce- 
lulose wastes, about 8,4% from nitrogen organic compo- 
unds and 0,6% from sugars. Biogas is used in some 
damp wastes but unfortunately not in all. There fires can 
take place in the places with high concentration of met- 
han. TVDS can be applied for detection of such places. 
The images are taken from a plane or a helicopter. The 
temperature increase is immediately noticed by a scan- 
ner and registered in the computer memory. Therefore 
we can warm much earlier about the danger. This situ- 
ation is presented in fig. 9. 
2.5 Monitoring of lake polution 
Continuous penetration of lake shores and river banksin 
order to localize the sources of pollutions by farms and 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B1. Vienna 1996 

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