Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B1)

Figure 9: Comparison of a conventional area image with 
a line image under motion distortions (real recordings). 
Figure 10: Motion distorted sequence of area facade 
samples with match partners for motion detection. 
ferential motion detection and camera tracking, respectively. 
In a second step we propose a re-sampling of the recorded 
lines onto a virtual plane. This projection is determined by the 
recorded lateral motion data and the reconstructed motion via 
the algorithm explained above. 
Achieving a refinement in the motion reconstruction is ex- 
pected by a line matching algorithm. The latter compares 
two adjacent lines by means of differences in the vertical gra- 
dient. One models small shifts and scale changes between 
lines using horizontal edges in the object. This is expected 
to lead to the final motion reconstruction. 
This paper presents the geometric design of a CCD line based 
system for the recording of building facades for a more effi- 
cient way of creating photo realistic 3D city models. 
The advantages of the proposed design are the continuous 
and simultaneous recording under different angles for stereo 
reconstruction and obstacle elimination, and the high quality 
texture recorded at an acceptable amount of data. 
An introduction for the need of 3D city models and therefore 
the motivation for the proposed vehicle based system, the 
principal recording, requirements, and the motion disturbance 
are discussed in detail. 
Research and results in the first step of elimination of motion 
disturbance was shown and the outline of further algorithms 
was introduced. 
The application of the proposed system is expected to lead 
to a faster and better acquisition of the 3D geometry and 
photo-texture of 3D city models. 
We express our gratitude for the support of the Austrian Na- 
tional Bank - Jubiláumfonds "System zur Erfassung und Op- 
timierung digitaler Prázisionsbilder, Nr. 4871" and "System 
zur Erfassung und Rekonstruktion von Gebäudefassaden, Nr. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B1. Vienna 1996 

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