- MIVIS deinstallation from the airborne platform
and repetition of test bench scanner calibration to
check the MIVIS performance level after the
The production (preprocessing and analysis) of these
large hyperspectral data sets is performed in the
LARA Project headquarter of Pomezia,a small town
close to Rome, where a computer system with a
software designed to handle MIVIS data has been
The MIDAS production software (MIDAS:
Multispectral Interactive Data Analysis System),
besides the data production management, offers a
powerful and highly extensible hyperspectral
analysis capability. The Pomezia ground station is
designed to maintain and check the MIVIS
performance through the evaluation of data quality
(like spectral accuracy, signal to noise performance,
signal variations, etc.), and to produce, archive, and
diffuse MIVIS data in the form of geometrically and
radiometrically corrected data sets on low cost and
easy access CC media.
3.1 Avaiable products
is structured as
The MIDAS production pipeline
-MIVIS data ingestion into MIDAS system for
extraction of all ancillary info and backups.
-Production of 512 lines scenes in four different
levels of preprocessing, as function of data owners
request. The 4 different preprocessing levels are:
- Level 0: Raw data + ancillary info for radiometric
calibration and geometric corrections.
- Level 1: Data radiometrically calibrated at the
sensor, by using MIVIS internal references and the
scanner's sensitivity measurements recorded from
test bench.
- Level 2: Data corrected by atmospheric effects and
radiometrically corrected as in Level 1. In this case
data owners are requested to supply all the paameters
for path radiance and solar irradiance corrections.
- Level 3: Level 1 or 2 data geometrically corrected
from panorama distortions and the effects due to roll,
pitch and yaw platform variations. The corrections
are performed by using info gathered by MIVIS PAS
- Level 4: Level 1 or 2 data geocoded images obtained
integrating with a digital elevation model the MIVIS
ancillary position and navigation sensors, allowing
an exact positioning of pixels on the ground in no
flat areas.
Distribution of preprocessed data by using exabyte
8mm tapes in tar UNIX format as support.
MIVIS data were recorded over different types of sites
A large area, near the town of Trecate (Northern
Italy), has been interested by a huge oil blow-out
from oil rig belonging to AGIP (Italian Petroleum
MIVIS has flown at an altitude of about 2000 m a.s.l.
offering good quality data for the estimation of the
level of oil pollution over cultivated and urban areas.
MIVIS data over Garda Lake, Venice and Orbetello
Lagoon and Po river delta, gave the possibility of a
preliminary new insight in the field of specific
applications of hyperspectral remote sensing to
water quality, shallow and algal bloom analysis.
MIVIS survey was carried out in Sicily for
geological mapping and to investigate active
volcanic phenomena (Mt. Etna and Eolian Islands),
coastline pullution (Gela, Acireale, Taormina), ocean
currents dynamics and algae bloom (Messina Straits
and Marsala lagoon), beech-wood canopy (Mt. Etna
slopes), waste discharges (Acireale), and
archeological sites (Selinunte, Alesa and Acireale).
In the summer of 1995 MIVIS has been deployed over
the whole Italian Molise region for landslides and
vegetational studies, in test sites located in Germany
for enviromental investigations,and in Southern
France for agricoltural studies.
In the fall of 1995 a further deployment interested the
Campania Region for the study of several specific
targets, i.e: urban areas (Napoli), vulcanology
(Vesuvius and Solfatara in Pozzuoli) coastal
pollution, archeology (Pompei) and other
enviromental and monumental sites (Caserta Royal
palace and gardens.
Two year of activity has shown as CNR/LARA
Project has been and is operative according to the
guidelines that represented the main tasks for the
Project institution. The flight and data requests from
the scientific national and international community
has been far more above the initial forecast, and Lara
Project is still working to improve its own
capability to assure the most opportune reaction
towards the future flight requests and shortest time for
data production and diffusion amongst the users.
Bianchi R., Ferroni P., Marino C.M., Pignatti S.,
and Sangiorgio D 1994. CNR LARA Project Italy:
multispectral interactive data analysis system.
Proceedings of the first International Airborne
Remote Sensing Conference and Exihibition”
Strasbourg, V. III.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B1. Vienna 1996