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Quality Features of a State-of-the-Art, High-Performance Photogrammetric Scanning System:
Gertrud Roth
Carl Zeiss, D-73446 Oberkochen, Germany
Commission I, WG I/5
Keywords: Scanner, photogrammetry, digital image, automatic, high resolution, high throughput
The system design of PHODIS SC meets the quality demands made on a state-of-the-art photogrammetric scanner. The hardware is
charaterized by the capabilitiy of digitizing uncut original aerial films. Further features include high-precision mechanical
guideways, optimum imaging performance of the mirror lens and superior resolution of the CCD line. The high data transfer rate
ensures short scanning times. The system is rounded off by a software providing high operating convenience, image processing
functions and basic photogrammetric functions.
Systemdesign von PHODIS SC erfüllt die Qualitátsanforderungen an einen modernen photogrammetrischen Scanner. Die
Hardware ist gekennzeichnet von der Móglichkeit, unzerschnittene Originalluftbildfilme zu digitalisieren. Weitere
Qualitátsmerkmale sind hochprüzise mechanische Führungen, optimale Abbildungseigenschaften des Spiegelobjektives sowie
hohe Auflósung der CCD-Zeile. Die hohe Datenübertragungsrate garantiert kurze Scanzeiten. Einfache Scannerbedienung,
Funktionen der Bildverarbeitung und photogrammetrische Grundfunktionen ergánzen softwaremäBig das Systemdesign
1 Introduction PHODIS SC features a modular structure (see Fig. 1)
e the SCAI basic scanner unit, with control unit
and Autowinder roll film attachment
e the SC software
e the AW software
e and the PHODIS base software
The increasing use of digital photogrammetry leads to a
constantly growing demand for scanned aerial photos. Wheras
until recently digitized aerial photos were primarily used for
orthophoto production, the field of digital applications is now
rapidly expanding. In addition to digital stereoplotting, the
emphasis is placed today on digital aerotriangulation and
matching techniques for DEM generation, to mention only two Fig. 1
examples. These latter applications, in particular, make
extremely critical demands on the quality of the digital source PHODIS SC
material, which can only be guaranteed by a high-precision
photogrammetric scanner.
PHODIS SC meets the new requirements made on a Scan unit Host
photogrammetric scanner for the conversion of photos into Silicon Graphics
digital images This includes the scanning of the original photos
without any need to cut the film and without any intermediate : SC Software
photographic processes for the generation of original digital Control unit SCSI-2| AW Software
images, fully automatic digitization of the images and a high
geometric and radiometric accuracy.
PHODIS SC has been fully integrated into the PHODIS
photogrammetric image processing system from Carl Zeiss (see
Table 1). It uses the same user interface, the same basic
modules for image processing and photogrammetric tasks, the
same data formats and the same computer platform as the other Ethernet
members of the PHODIS family (Braun, 1996).
The SCAI scanner unit comprises a high-precision measuring
Table 1: PHODIS Product Family system with a powerful CCD line sensor for monochrome and
: : color digitization, a control unit for controlling the scan cycles
PHODIS Product Photogrammetric Application and the processing of the CCD data, and the Autowinder for
PHODIS SC Photogr ammeine Scan System - the automatic digitization of complete uncut films. Data
PHODIS AT Automatic Digital Aerotriangulation transfer to the computer is performed via a SCSI-2 interface.
PHODIS ST Digital Stereoplotter The SC software includes all functions required for scanner
PHODIS TS Automatic DEM Generation control, transfer and management of the image data, basic
PHODIS OP Digital Ortho Projection photogrammetric functions and image manipulation functions.
PHODIS M Monoplotting The AW software permits the control of the Autowinder and
PHODIS Base Basic Digital Photogrammetry Tools direct operation from the computer.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B1. Vienna 1996