Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B1)

H. Rüdenauer 
University of Essen 
Commission |, Working Group | / 2 
KEY WORDS: Scanner, Video, Environmental Monitoring, Low Cost Remote Sensing System 
Airborne Remote Sensing Platforms are highly developed and expensive systems to meet all the diffe- 
rent requirements of the users as for spectral bands, resolution and geometric accuracy. 
With those systems data and images of large areas can be obtained in a short time. For smaller projects 
- for example in the field of environmental monitoring or large scale mapping for construction purposes, 
where actual information is needed - a inconcruity between the cost of the airborne mission and the vo- 
lume of the project can arise. 
The platform is for use on unmodified light fixed wing aircrafts (Cessna 172) which means a considera- 
ble cost reduction. Different sensors (photographic and digital) ca be used simultaniously. The main at- 
tention directs to the test of multiband videosystems and to the data analysis of a prototype color line 
The development of the new platform took place in the background of the availability of PC based digital 
processing systems (softcopy photogrammetry) and photogrammetric image scanners at a moderate 
The aim of the complete system is to make airborne photography, photogrammetry and remote sensing 
available to smaller projects which could not afford these technics before. 
1. INTRODUCTION U.S: Ulliman, 1970, Marlar,1967, Woodcock, 1976), so- 
me actual activities in Germany (Martin, 1990). Most of 
the actual contributions deal with video systems (Eve- 
Photogrammetry and remote sensing have penetrated ritt, 1990, Hutchinson, 1990). 
into a lot of disciplines in the near past. this may be be- 
cause of the availability of images which fit the interests 
of these disciplines (e. g. satellite images) or because 
of the improved flexibility and affordability of the proces- 
sing tools (analytical plotters, digital image processing 
What is new is the availability of a complete system of 
simplified photogrammetry as mentioned before toget- 
her with an increasing demand for image information 
from new user groups. 
With the future "reduction" of photogrammetry to a "pro- 2. REQUIREMENTS TO THE SYSTEM 
gram package" in conjunction with standard computer 
equipment (digital photogrammetry) the spreading of 
photogrammetric and remote sensing methods will conti- 
nue ("democratization of photogrammetry" (Leberl, 
2.1 Platform Requirements 
The requirements to the platform design can be divided in- 
to two groups: the first group stands for the cost effecti- 
| : veness, the second group for the performance: 
In this trend of "photogrammetry for everybody" fits very ess group p 
well a simplified low cost sensor platform for individual 
Mn a. - independence of a special aircraft 
applications by new user groups. 
- optimized and adapted for an aircraft type because 
of a stable mounting without influenceing the aero- 
To avoid special modified aircrafts, the camera format dynamic conditions. 
has to be reduced, which means the application of 70 
mm cameras. Other sensors (video, multispectral, ther- 
b. - platform correction and control for vertical images 
mal cameras, scanners) are also possible. 
- navigation system (video and GPS controlled) 
- camera control (pin point) and registration of projec- 
The use of 70 mm cameras is not new of course. A lot of tion centres 
articles from the 60 th and 70 th can be found (mostly - simultanious data collection with different sensors 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B1. Vienna 1996 

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