Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B1)

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3.2.3 Image Coordinate Measurements. The image 
coordinates are the basic input for the self-calibration bundle 
adjustment and their accuracy directly influences the final 
results. Thus, accurate determination of the image point 
location is necessary for better evaluation. Although many 
automatic techniques were developed for this purpose (Chen 
and Schenk, 1992; Edmundson et al, 1991; Heipke et al, 
1992; Paquette et al, 1990; Stefanidis et al, 1990; Vosselman 
and Fórstner, 1988), this research is based on existing readily 
available and low-cost software and hardware. Thus, the 
following solution was adopted: Firstly, due to the lack of 
fiducial marks of the digital camera and the poor definition of 
the corners and edges of the obtained images, the pixel 
location of each image point relative to the top left corner of 
the sensor plane was determined. Then, with known pixel 
size, the image coordinates of the image points can be easily 
obtained by a simple multiplying operation. An assumption is 
made here that all elements of the CCD sensor have uniform 
size and are evenly distributed. 
The digital images are originally stored in the slide-in memory 
card supplied with the digital camera. To measure the image 
coordinates, the images have to be transferred from the card 
to a DVP via a DP-100 Card Processor connected to the 
DVP. DVP is a low cost Digital Photogrammetric 
Workstation(DPW) based on a PC computer (Nolette, 1992). 
It can be employed to measure the location of image points 
in pixel units with its interior orientation function, which is 
essentially a manual screen digitization process. This 
technique seems like a step backwards, but is appropriate 
for certain cases where no other special image point 
determination tools are available and the number of image 
points is not large. Furthermore, to successfully apply existing 
software and equipment to arrive at a solution is useful as far 
as project cost is concerned. The resulting accuracy of 
repetition was 0.4 pixels, equivalent to 3.88 um. 
3.2.4 Evaluation of the Calibration Tests. After the image 
acquisition and image measurement, the self-calibration can 
proceed straightforward. To determine the geometric 
characteristics of the digital camera, the following tests with 
different APs were designed and carried out for both models: 
Table 2. Calibration Tests 
Test Description 
1 without any interior orientation parameters 
2 With X,, y; and c 
3 with Xo, yo, C, K,, K;, K; 
4 with Xo, Vo» C, k, Ko Ks, pi po 
5 with Xo, yo, C, K,, Kj, Ks, pi, pa, A, B 
For model |, some of the coordinated points were used as 
control points, and the others were treated as check points. 
This was also true for model Il; in addition, some of the 
unknown intersection points were included in the adjustment 
to improve the calibration results. 
Due to the absence of the full variance-covariance matrix, 
statistical tests cannot be implemented to check the 
significance of the individual additional parameter. The 
evaluation of the effects of APs, therefore, is based on the 
root mean square errors(«RMSE) of the image coordinates (o, 
and o,) and root mean square discrepancies (o x, 0 y and oy) 
for the check points between the resulting photogrammetric 
coordinates and the ECDS determined ones. 
Since the number and distribution of the control points have 
a certain influence upon the final results, the control and 
check points in this project were kept fixed for all tests; thus 
a comparison can be made for different tests based on the 
same reference. The results of all tests from the two models 
are tabulated in Tables 3 and 4. 
Table 3 RMSE of Image Coordinates After Self-Calibrating 
Bundle Adjustment 
unit : um (photo scale) 
Test Model I Model II 
oO, 9, o, 9, 
1 78 61 61 49 
2 11 11 4 4 
3 10 10 2 3 
4 4 3 2 3 
5 1 2 2 1 
Table 4 RMS Discrepancies for the Check Points 
unit : mm (object scale) 
Test Model | Model II 
( photo scale : 1 / 50) ( photo scale : 1 / 300) 
Ox O, 0; Ox Oy Oz 
1 1.87..,:04.46.. 4,77 28.98 11.33 31.93 
2 0.20. 0.53 0.34 108 1.77 4.92 
3 0.19 0.26 0.36 1.1811. 1.08 5.86 
4 0.16. 0.10, 0.08 056 0095. 497 
5 0.05 0.07 0.05 0.50 0.44 0.43 
The above results show the following: 
. With the self-calibration method, the final accuracy 
can be improved significantly. The larger the object 
distance, the bigger the improvement that can be 
° The basic interior orientation parameters play the 
most important role in the data evaluation. Without 
them, the results are too inaccurate to meet 
industrial application requirements. 
° The digital camera tested does not have a large 
radial lens distortion, which was verified by test 3 
where the inclusion of k,, k,, k, does not show 
much improvement, with the accuracy gain in Y 
direction slightly better than for other two directions. 
. The adoption of parameters p,, p,, A, B further 
improves the accuracy, which suggests that 
decentering lens distortion and certain 
imperfections related to the CCD senor plane and 
the DVP digitization process were successfully 
compensated by these parameters. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B1. Vienna 1996 

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