flux from
charge is
of optical
t is then
ction of
0 optical
k current
of the
"4. (6)
d charge
n now be
I7 ot int
nction of
is the
ured dark
k current
id 800?C
In order to compensate for saturation non-linearity of
the imager response it was assumed that this non-linearity
represents the loss of the detector responsivity with rising
bias voltage and, therefore, it is primarily a function of the
detected signal level.
The pixel-by-pixel correction for offset and saturation
non-linearities of IR imager response is achieved
according to the following algorithm:
1. Based on the experimental signal measurements for a
wide range of blackbody temperatures and values of
the optical integration time, the detected signal can
be approximated by an exponential function of optical
integration time, tin, for each temperature, T;, of the
calibration source, as:
S detected _ al 2 int = a; (8)
2. For N various radiative fluxes corresponding to N
various temperatures, T;, of the calibration blackbody
source the intensity of the incident on IR detectors
radiative flux is characterized by the ratio of the
detected signal, S(Ti, tin), to the value of optical
integration time, tint, as:
S(T; me) i zd] uM
Lint (9)
Paz DC
3. The linearized signal corrected for off-set at zero
integration time can now be expressed as function of
the detected signal and the intensity of the incident
radiative flux as:
as detected
ot int
0X fin 5 Ay 9
= = af. (ma ai
where index k is determined from the following
condition (assuming that Fy are sorted in the
ascending order):
S linear =
FF » S Ft Fy
2 Lint 2
The radiative flux intensities used for M-WIP
calibration, F;, are stored in the ascending order
along with corresponding coefficients a;' and a; in the
correction table for each pixel. During the on-line M-
WIP temperature measurements these tables are
searched according to the criteria given by Eq. (11).
Once the appropriate flux level, Fx, has been
determined, the corresponding correction coefficients
a," and as“ are then used for signal linearization
according to Eq. (10).
Figure 4. illustrates the correction for saturation non-
linearity resulting from application of the above algorithm
to the signals detected by M-WIP through 4500nm filter
illuminated by the blackbody source at 600?C.
2.0 —————————
1.7: =
15 - "
glinearza, a Jf;
12- 2 int wd .*
WW ad
1.0 - i
0.7 - /
0.5 -
detected. aot:
pa | S =a,e“2'int+a,
Detected Signal x10° [electron/pixel]
0.0 i |
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Integration Time [s]
Fig. 4. Saturation non-linearity correction.
Calibration of M-WIP System
The experimental M-WIP system includes a least-
squares-based calibration algorithm [1-3] for evaluation of
effective values of peak filter transmissions (t9) and center
wavelengths (Ag) based on the detection of radiation
emitted by the pre-calibrated blackbody source over a
wide range of temperatures:
min 2.
TA, Hal Oi
<1 bem. 3
8, ^S Toho) 2T, A02
T — i-th temperature of reference blackbody source,
Oo, = AS, = ve — rms signal noise (rms electrons/pixel
A seven-filter experimental M-WIP system was
initially calibrated according to Eq. (12) against a
reference blackbody source over a temperature range from
450?C to 900?C. It should be noted that the initial
calibration did not include the compensation for
saturation non-linearity of the imager response. This
calibration resulted in an effective radiometric uniformity
correction of all camera pixels used for the M-WIP
measurements. However, due to self-compensation for
non-linear response of the imager by the calibration
algorithm, the initial calibration resulted in a shift of the
effective center wavelengths of the filters in the range of 28
to 358 nm as compared to manufacturer specifications (see
column II of Table 1). In order to study this effect, the M-
WIP "calibration" was also performed on the basis of the
simulated signal with various values of "offset" and
"saturation" non-linearities. It was found, as illustrated in
column III of Table 1, that "offset" non-linearity of 2.5%
of Qmax at zero optical integration time (ie. tint=0) and
"saturation" non-linearity of 8% at 50% of Qmax results
in similar shifts in effective center wavelengths of IR
filters as was obtained for the experimental data not
compensated for imager non-linearity.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B1. Vienna 1996