Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B1)

The implementation of frame synchronization software is 
straight forward as long as the structure of a frame is 
determined. Therefore this subsection will concentrate 
the structure of frames of the KITSAT-3 image data. 
There are two transmission mode for the KITSAT-3. The 
full transmission mode is to transmit the image ‚data 
stored in the solid-state mass memories into the ground 
station. The transmission is done in a full scale (no 
reduction). The sub-sampled transmission mode is to 
transmit sub-sampled image data (by the factor of 5) into 
the ground station. This mode is used to monitor in real- 
time the quality of images which the onboard camera 
In the sub-sampled transmission mode, a data frame is 
defined as table 4. A sub-sampled data frame starts with 
a synchronization word of 4 bytes. Frame 
synchronization software uses this word to define the 
starting point of a data frame out of the incoming bit 
Stream. Scene number is to distinguish image data when 
the image data transmission is performed over multiple 
scenes (The KITSAT-3 can take upto 20 scenes at one 
time). Frame type is to distinguish whether a data frame 
is for the sub-sampled image data frame or other types. 
A sub-sampled data frame has the total size of 4327 
Table 4. Sub-sampled image data frame. 
Data type Size 
Synchronization word 4 bytes 
Scene No. and frame type | 6 bits + 2 bits, i.e. 1 Byte 
Frame No. 2 Bytes 
Sub-sampled image data 4320 Bytes 
Total 4327 Bytes (34616 bits) 
In the full transmission mode, there are two types of data 
frame. One is a full image data frame and the other is a 
telemetry data frame. The structure of each frame is 
shown in table 5 and 6. 
The total size of a full image data frame or a telemetry 
data frame is same as that of a sub-sampled image data 
frame. However, in a full image data frame, the size of 
image data is 3456 bytes, which corresponds to the 
amount of data collected from one line of the KITSAT-3 
CCD array. Unlike a sub-sampled image data frame, a 
full image data frame and telemetry data frame contain 
an error detection code for more accurate transmission. 
In a full image data frame, 2 bits are assigned to indicate 
the spectral band of an image (RGB). Frame number is 
used to distinguish each full image data frame. As a 
KITSAT-3 image scene is defined as 3456 pixels by 3456 
pixels, 3456 image data frames are combined to create a 
scene in a single spectral band. 
Table 5. A full image data frame 
data type Size 
Synchronization word 4 bytes 
Scene no. and frame | 6 bits + 2 bits, i.e., 1 byte 
RGB and Frame No. 2 bits + 12 bits, i.e., 2 bytes 
Image data 3456 bytes 
Error Detection code | 864 bytes 
(1:4) : 
Total 4327 bytes (34616 bits) 
Table 6. A telemetry data frame 
data type size 
Synchronization word 4 bytes 
Scene No. and frame | 6 bits + 2 bits, i.e., 1 byte 
Frame No. 2 bytes 
Telemetry Data 3456 bytes 
Error Detection code | 864 bytes 
Total 4327 bytes (34616 bits) 
Commercial remote sensing satellites normally have a 
frame structure which has image data and telemetry data 
in the same frame. However, telemetry data of the 
KITSAT-3 is transmitted separately as a telemetry data 
frame. This is due to hardware limitations of the KITSAT-3 
onboard imaging instrument. The telemetry data sampling 
rate of the KITSAT-3 is not high (5~10 Hz) and the amount 
of telemetry data for a scene is very small. One telemetry 
data frame is enough to cover whole telemetry data for an 
image scene. 
After the data from the PC interface card are converted 
into a appropriate format, they are restored into the hard 
disk of a PC. The proper image data are then used for 
further processing such as geometric or radiometric 
4. Conclusions 
So far, this paper briefly described the development of a 
low cost direct archiving system and a frame 
synchronization software. The developed system will be 
used for the archiving and preprocessing of the KITSAT-3. 
The motivation of this development was to design a low 
cost ground receiving station for small satellites. The use 
of dedicated hardware was therefore abandoned and 
dedicated software with commercial PC was used instead. 
The techniques used for this development are not very 
complicated and some of them are even very simple. This 
shows the advantage of using small satellites in the sense 
that the ground receiving station can be developed easily. 
Compared to other commercial satellites, the transmission 
speed for the image data from this satellite is low. This 
may have made it easier to develop the low cost direct 
archiving and preprocessing system. However, at least 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B1. Vienna 1996 
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